
What is gender sensitization?

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Is this term applicable to only the sensitzation towards the female gender ot both?




  1. No, this applies to both genders.

    It is about educating, about creating awareness. It states that s*x is attached with biology, whereas gender identifies men and women in any given society, is socially and psychologically determined. Gender is learnt through a process of socialization and through the culture of particular society concerned.

    There is an emphasis in focusing in women who as a gender, in many third world countries are often subject to the authority of men.  By doing this, it searches for gender equality.

    By finding a more democratic "gender order", we all (men and women) gain from it.

    From my own point of view, why I say we all gain from this? Let's for example take any country where women have no voice and are considered property, like a thing. In this same countries, there is also a cruel treatment of the men, but women have no voice, so how can they help their fellow humans?

    By breaking the traditional roles, we break with chains which have been sinking men and women through negative stereotypes. By finding a more democratic order,  we  create a social balance. Therefore sensitization for me, concerns both men and women.

    Of course the level of disparities between both  genders is higher in developing countries and still more between the poor, where much education, "sensitization" is needed! The more men and women work together, the higher chances of achieving a better life and a better society.

  2. becoming oversensitive and politically correct to the point that each comment is a lawsuit...this requires an education at a left-wing hippie=run public college.

  3. Equal rights yes, but out of control extreme gender bashing?

    Whatever happened to Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's views of feminism?  

    Gender sensitization is where men/boys are kicked in the nuts until they are brainwashed that there has/is a "holocaust" of abused women...and the best way to "extract" guilty pleas from men is to take away our children (divorce courts)

    our jobs (men are hurt more in today's economy) our pride (just see how cartoons/tv/media depict men/boys) and our women...our towns, states and Nation.

  4. First I'd like to say I find it extremely strange that so many males are writing (strange) questions on this subject. Most just stirring up trouble with nothing else to do.... MEN have always got the upper hand in just about any situation. Women got tired of this c**p and started standing up for their rights-rights that are equal to any males. Gender sensitize-means it applies to either male or female. Since this is a woman's format area it's gender sensitize to WOMAN.............

  5. When searching for definitions of words you could try looking them up in a dictionary.

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