
What is gingivitus and does this cause extremely bad breath?

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My kid has really bad breath and says he has a foul taste in his mouth. He uses mouth wash morning and night aswell as brushing. He is starting to get really down about it. Help




  1. its wen ur gums bleed and recede around the root of d tooth and yeh it does cuase bad breath.go to ur dentist for more info and treatment.or go to ma mom she is an advanced dentist(orthodontist)!:)

  2. It is a bacterial inflamation of the gums and it does cause bad breath .

  3. Bad smell can be cause from not using dental floss or dental tape at least once a day.  It is necessary  even if you brush all the time because little pieces of food matter get stuck between the usually the back teeth where you don't usually check to see that they are clear.  Those little pieces of food decay and cause foul breath even if you brush as a mentioned.

    It is ideal to brush with enough toothpaste so that lots of suds are visible.  Brush insides and outsides of teeth  and then use dental tape taking your time.  Rinse and reapply the toothpaste and brush a second time very lightly. This should help.

    If you fell that your gums are sore brush only lightly.  If they are really really sore then don:t brush but rinse your mouth with hot water and lots of regular salt.  You should feel a stinging sensation as you hot water rinse each side of your mouth. Hold the water inside your mouth for about 6 - 8 seconds. Count slowly. 2 times a day is enough and then only once a day until the soreness goes away.  You can then start brushing again.

    I wouldn't use the mouthwashes while doing this as it strangely seems to aggravate the whole situation.   Some people use a mix of warm water and bicarbonate of soda to rinse at the end.  Wait a bit 10 seconds or so and rinse with water. Your mouth should experience slightly sweet sensation.     Your gums will be a lot better.  Don't worry!

  4. Gingivitis says for itself - inflammation of gingiva (gum).

    Yes, it causes bad breath.

    Your kid might use mouthwash sufficiently, but he should take care of his toothbrushing too. He should keep it to minimum 2X per day. It's best to brush his teeth after meal too. Next, toothbrushing method itself is extremely crucial. Without proper toothbrushing method, even if he brushes his teeth 1000X. Here, I include proper toothbrushing method:

    •Brush at least twice daily. Use a soft, nylon brush with rounded bristles and fluoride toothpaste.

    •Use small, circular motions and short back-and-forth motions. Brush gently.

    •Use vibratory movements to reach into deep pits and fissures of occlusal surface of tooth (occlusal surface is the surface of the tooth that faces opposition tooth). Use also vibratory movements back and forth at the neck of the teeth to remove dental plaque in the gingival sulcus (space between the gum and deep surface of tooth).

    •Place bristles at 45 degrees on neck of teeth (region of tooth very near to gum margin) and sweep occlusally. This is to massage and stimulate the gingiva.

    You HAVE to do the vibratory movements back and forth at the neck of the teeth, or else there will be no way you can remove the dental plaque in the sulcus because that region is quite isolated and hard to be accessed. If you don't do it, then, the dental plaque will happily and safely grow and will irritate the gum which makes up the main cause of bad breath.

    He should also floss daily. This is highly recommended by dentists. Without flossing, the surface where the tooth meets another tooth cannot be cleaned, thus, leads to dental plaque build up.

    You should also be informed that a child cannot tolerate high dose of fluoride. This means- don't over use mouthwash and toothpaste. Mouthwash itself is toxic when used too frequently. It should be kept maximally around 2-3X per day. Use only a small amount of toothpaste too, slightly smaller than pea-size and spread it along the surface of toothbrush.

  5. get him to use the mouth wash before and after brushing

  6. Apparently, upto 70% of bacteria is not on teeth.

    Buy a tongue scraper and scrape the tongue (especially towards the back of the tongue. Be aware of the gag reflex) ..and this should help.

    Flossing also helps but make sure you know exactly how to do it. Good luck

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