
What is global warming.The climate change to day was also there 100 years back.?

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What is global warming.The climate change to day was also there 100 years back.?




  1. Its the unusual warming of Earths surface.  Belived to be caused by too much co2 in the atmoshere

  2. You got believed right because it is merely a belief that CO2 has anything remotely to do with global warming....  Yea, an inconvenient truth with VERFIED LIES...  But that's ok, it gets the point accross... lol  What a bunch of kool-aid drinkers.

  3. the answer is in the link.

  4. Yeah climate change has been going on for millions of years - look at all the glaciations and sea level changes.  but, the difference is this time is that anthropogenic activities are causing it, if you read the IPCC report, i think it's been proven with 96% confidence that humans are causing global warming this time around.

  5. Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years

    ScienceDaily (Dec. 13, 2007) — The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The global mean surface temperature for 2007 is currently estimated at 0.41°C/0.74°F above the 1961-1990 annual average of 14.00°C/57.20°F...

    ...Since the start of the 20th century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74°C. But this rise has not been continuous. The linear warming trend over the last 50 years (0.13°C per decade) is nearly twice that for the last 100 years...

    ...2007 global temperatures have been averaged separately for both hemispheres. Surface temperatures for the northern hemisphere are likely to be the second warmest on record, at 0.63°C above the 30-year mean (1961-90) of 14.6°C/58.3°F. The southern hemisphere temperature is 0.20°C higher than the 30-year average of 13.4°C/56.1°F, making it the ninth warmest in the instrumental record since 1850.

    January 2007 was the warmest January in the global average temperature record at 12.7°C/54.9°F, compared to the 1961-1990 January long-term average of 12.1°C/53.8°F...

    Global 10 Warmest Years Mean Global temperature (°C) (anomaly with respect to 1961-1990)

       1. 1998 0.52

       2. 2005 0.48

       3. 2003 0.46

       4. 2002 0.46

       5. 2004 0.43

       6. 2006 0.42

       7. 2007(Jan-Nov) 0.41

       8. 2001 0.40

       9. 1997 0.36

      10. 1995 0.28

  6. watch an incovenient truth. the climate today is several degrees higher that a hundred years ago. although drastic climate changes happen in nature its happening much more frequently now and stronger. there are more storms longer winter, more tornadoes

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