
What is global warming? and are y a golbal warming suporter or ru against it?

by Guest10781  |  earlier

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What is global warming? and are y a golbal warming suporter or ru against it?




  1. I'm against this disaster that is going to extinct human being.

  2. Global warming is similar to flatulence, only that it curiously comes out of the mouth, usually out of the mouths of politicians.

  3. IT"S ALL A HOAX!!!!!!

  4. It's not true and thats been proven by whitehouse scientist

  5. first of all i definately think we need to do something about global warming. i dont understand why more people dont vote for the greens and vote for unintelligent partys like liberal or even worse labour.

    global warming is the earths surface being heated up. when fossil fuels are burnt they produce carbon dioxide which basically acts as a thick blanket letting the suns rays in and absorbing it but not letting the rays out as a result more heat is caught in our atmosphere.

  6. wtf???!!! and are y a golbal warming suporter???!!!

    yes i suport  warming


  7. Global warming is a very weak theory getting lots of hype.

    I don't believe it because science says there is no support for this theory except by politicians and lazy scientists who are trying to get rich quick.

  8. AGW is an interesting but unproven theory.

    I am against the political actions demanded by AGW believers because I believe in individual liberty, the liberty to do what you want unless it harms another - and that for that liberty to actually happen in the real world, the burden of proof on whether the activity harms another has to rest with the people trying to shut the activity down.     Not only should they have to prove it, the people who want to engage in the activity shouldn't have to bear the cost of the efforts to prove it - which through tax dollars we have, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.    And yet still there's no actual, tangible proof that mankind caused the 20th century warming.

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