
What is global warming pollution or something else?

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pollution or something else




  1. Verbal pollution

  2. The so called global warming is only a concept advocated by a section of scientific community.Whether it is happening or not ,nobody knows with certainty.There is neither a standard scientific method which is mutually and globally accepted nor any global authority to decide whether any particular effect on a particular location is caused by global warming and not by any other factor.

  3. It's an effect of pollution

  4. Nothing to do with pollution. It is an effect of certain gases, mainly water vapor, but also Co2, methane, etc which makes our climate more mild.

    Without it, the earth would freeze at night.

  5. I don't think there is a simple answer to this. I often think it's just the Earth's natural cycle. Once we were in an Ice Age - now we aren't. Was the Ice Age caused by pollution? Of course not. But my point is - to every thing there is a season. What really wears me out about this global warming hype is it's almost like a scare tactic! I never even heard of global warming until the past 10 years! Hole in the Ozone yes - global warming - no. Now they are telling me the only way to stop this supposed global warming is to stop driving my car. Hello! They built this huge interstate system for us to drive which took away small business! I can not drive to the nearest town and make remotely decent money! I have to drive 30 miles one way to get to work.  What about the space ships they send into space - how necessary is that and how much is that contributing to the problem?  Does anyone else feel like there is nothing we can do about this problem? I for one and quite sick of hearing about it. One day the Earth will cease to exist. We have beat the Earth up, we have no respect for it, we have not repaired the damage and then we have stuck our snotty noses in the air and pretended it's not happening. People do not care enough to try to fix it.

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