
What is global warming ?

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what is it and what causes it ?

what do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming and how ?

What are some effects of global warming ?

How can we reudce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming ?




  1. carbon c**p keeps the heat inside the earth

    it was stored we burn it for energy.

    go to a com ed factory, it's a pretty sight *sarcasm

  2. an increase of the earth's temperature by a few degrees resulting in an increase in the volume of water which contributes to sea-level rise

  3. Global Warming is another invention of Komrade Al "I invented the internet as well as global warming" Gore.

    Maybe Komrade Gore could sell his jet, his fleet of SUV's and his HUGE energy sucking homes....  what a hypocrite!

    Komrade Gore spent $30,000 for energy just for his Nashville home in 2006.  He has another 10,000 square foot home as well as a third one.

  4. its whenever i walk into a room

    man, it gets so hot in there

  5. Global warming is when the average temeture of the earth increases. it is caused by such sections of our atmosphere like th ozen being depleated by other gasses. this lets more radiation from the sun enter into earth. it also makes it so that the gasses that replace the ozen make the atmosphere thicker, so that reflected radiation can not escape as easily, so it stays on earth, heating thins up. but there are so many factors. it is hard to know for sure. it is very much a dominoe effect, climate chang, caps melt, then the whole climate equilibreum changes. u asked about green house gasses. well its simple. its annoying the only answer is just 'take the bus, ride bikes, carpool, walk,drive a hybrid, etc.' these end up as anoying sayings everybody says. but if hey werent very true, they wouldnt be this famous. so theese simple steps really are the best thing to do.

  6. global warming are caused by population. For example when people drive cars our gas comes out air that will be sucked up to the sky and when the sun radiation hits it, it causes to trap it. when this happens the earth starts to get warm and it can cause floods from the melting of the poles making the water to rise. Greenhouses work by trapping heat from the sun. The glass panels of the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. This causes the greenhouse to heat up, much like the inside of a car parked in sunlight, and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the winter.

    The Earth’s atmosphere is all around us. It is the air that we breathe. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave much like the glass panes in a greenhouse. Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases. As it reaches the Earth's surface, land, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy. Once absorbed, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing our world to heat up. If we keep this up earth would be nothing but water.

  7. Generally, it's an increase in the average planetary atmospheric temperatures.  Some deny that it's taking place at all...

    Others debate over the cause, such as greenhouse gases, whose production is a function of energy consumption.  You, as a consumer, can reduce your "environmental footprint" by reducing the energy you cause to be consumed (through the things you buy, the way you get to work etc.)

  8. Heat,radiation ultraviolet rays come from the sun.  With a thick O-zone layer most of these rays get filtered out.  We are protected from these harmful rays by the ozone layer.  Ozone (O3) can be broken down by various chemicals including carbon emissions, Aerosal sprays in other words greenouse gases.  We are essentially breaking down parts of our protective layer.  This allows these harmful rays to enter earths atmosphere and remain on the planet.  

    A Greenhouse is a glass house that plants are grown in.  Essentially the way it works is the suns rays enter through the glass and can't escape so they remain in the greenhouse.  This causes the greenhouse to become a warm and moist environment.

    There is evidence that the earth is warmer now than it was a few hundred years ago.  There is also evidence that the polar ice caps are melting.  There is even evidence that there is a hole in the Ozone layer above one of the poles.  It is very controversial whether Greenhouse gases are causing the global warming.  The 2-3 degree rise in temperature could be completely natural.  The dinosaurs lived in a temperature much warmer than it is now.  We have only been around for a few thousand years.  Dinosaurs lasted for millions of years.  So the ozone layer may not be the reason for the warming.  Warming may have occured even if there were no humans on the earth.  

    As of right now there is no way for us to restore the Ozone layer.  However it is restoring itself naturally.  We can reduce the amount of emmissions and encourage the growth of plants to absorb the gases.  This may allow the ozone to repair itself, but it may not affect global warming.

  9. The Earth has NORMAL cycles of cooling and warming.  Man has NOTHING to do with it!

  10. We have no real proof. THe Earth could be going through a different phase right now.

  11. Global warming is a way that the UN will try to tax the rich and give to the not haves! Even though we give billions more than the rest of the world we will be suckered in giving up more because the dooms day freaks keep coming up with more reasons to take away from us!

    Water vapor causes the earth to heat and to cool! This gas makes up 95% of all gases in the atmosphere! C02 make up 3.618% of the gases. 3.2% of this C02 gas is what man has contributed the rest is Natural.

    We have heard all the stories before the CFC's destroying the ozone, Acid rain, global cooling, overpopulation! All of these were a " sky is falling" issue that never ammounted to anything.

    There is a hole in the atmosphere!! Scientist have been watching it for years! However this hole has been opening and closing by its self!!! What does this mean? does it mean that gasses are exscaping??

  12. Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere.

    It's said that by the time a baby born today is 80 years old, the world will be 6 and a half degrees warmer than it is now.

  13. i dont think global warming is real, i used to, but my dad is friends with a meteorologist (a really good weather man), and he said global warming is a natural thing that happens and eventually the temperature will go back down.

  14. the main greenhouse gasses.

    methane, ozone, nitrogen oxides (N2O NO NO2), water, CFCs and HFCs.

    greenhouse gasses lower the amount of heat escaping into space. this is called the greenhouse effect. the greenhouse effect keeps the earth a good 20 degrees warmer then it would be without greenhouse gasses.

    more greenhouse gasses cause the earth to warm by enhancing the greenhouse effect. this prevents more heat from escapeing from the earth and so the earth will warm.


    some of the effects of global warming will be increased temperatures, this will also cause many other problems such  as water shortages desertification and damage to ecosystems.


    by conserving energy and by pressuring governments to move towards renewable energy.

  15. a THEORY that human consummation of carbon dioxide is directly related to the warming trend over the time after the industrial revolution; it disregards any 100,000 year trend theories.

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