
What is global warmings? i need to learn more...?

by  |  earlier

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details about cause and effect of global warming... any sightings, studies, pictures, is it hapenning now, is it connected to what happening in our present climate around the globe, what is possible prevention.




  1. that wikipedia entry has a very good overview and extensive references to very respected work.

    the links are also excellent, to the top researchers in the world, i often give people the one to the hadley site run by the british met. office.

    i know some people are s****. about wiki, but this entry is one of the ones where you have to register and sign in to edit, and which is monitored several times a day, which prevents malicious tampering.


    here this should help

  3. Good idea, Willy.  This is your future, and you get to help decide how bright it could be!

    Lots of information, some of it confusing and obtuse. But if you can wrap yourself around an understanding of how the atmosphere works, you're halfway there.

  4. refer to

    see the movie THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH for details

  5. Here's some good question and answer sites from a few of the top climate research organizations in the world:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    NASA Q&A on global warming:

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

  6. No one knows, absolutely, what the cause for global warming is. No study to date has proven that human interaction is influencing the earth's global average temperature. Anything you hear to the contrary is speculation.

    If, by "present climate," you mean things like the increase in numbers of hurricanes, tornadoes, etc... no, it's not connected. Many people will try to say that the increasing sea surface temperatures are causing more hurricanes, but these same people insist that the air temperature is also climbing. This means there is no increased difference between the air and sea temps, and so it basically has no effect on hurricane numbers or intensity.

    I know this didn't answer everything, but I hope it helped a bit.

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