
What is globalisation caused by?

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some think it's caused by economic factors, sociologists beg to differ. what do you think?




  1. Of course it's caused by economic factors.

    And economic factors are themselves caused by physical, geographic, and social factors.

    To say "it's not the economy, it's sociology!" or "it's not sociology, it's the economy!" is to miss the point entirely.

  2. There are no causes of Globalization.

    Globalization is term that we use to describe a stage of human development on the planet earth.

    Globalization is characterized by

    The free flow of money and resources with out regard of Territorial boundaries.

    It is the making of a final product where its component parts are sourced from any country or region of the world. IE a computer may have the mother board made in Taiwan, the hard drive in Mexico, the screen in Holland, The key board in China. It is all finally assembled in the US.

    We may also transport the same food stuffs from one country to another to gain better prices. IE export grapes from Australia to New Zealand to gain a higher price than could be in Australia and New Zealand exports grapes to Japan again to get a higher price.

  3. I'm a sociologist, and I'd say globalization IS driven by economics. I think most others would agree that economics is minimally a huge part of it.

    Globalization is caused by capitalism. Period. Multinational corporations go overseas looking for cheap labor, lax labor and environmental standards, and access to new markets in order to maximize profits. Of course, this process is enabled by technological changes making it easier to send information and physical materials to distance locales. Just like American companies used to leave the northeast to escape unions and strict labor laws in favor of the less-regulated south, companies today are moving production from costly American companies and going to places like China. You can pay workers in developing countries mere dollars a day whereas American workers cost at least 6 and change an hour.

    I'd say an expansion of political power and western cultural domination tend to accompany globalization, but capitalism is the driving source behind it. Political and cultural reasons are outcomes of globalization, not causes of it.

  4. i think its caused by the needs to discover nd kno more

  5. It's caused by economic factors.

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