
What is globalization ? how it will affect living and non-living things?

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What is globalization ? how it will affect living and non-living things?




  1. First manifestation of 'Global village' is the sprouting up of a crop of 'Trans National' (TN) corporations. Like water seeking Lower level, jobs and work seek the lower remuneration, and now TN corporates makes it flow there. For certain skills, now job seeks the man if skilled and move to him rather than he going in search of it. Politics who work in  opposite direction feels throttled by this new phenomenon. Job is what a man seeks and work is what is demanded by an employer. Trade unionism is based on this  - employee seeking more of a job for less work and the employer demanding more of work for less of a job. TN corporates in their turn seek out their existence like ideal employee and end up ideal employer. But they have the capacity to make things happen whatever be the consequences to others if some are benefitted. As implemented as a scheme, things like probability, risks, finances etc creep in to make the individual lose his individuality with deleterious results. There won't be free-lance workers, one-man enterpreneurs or companies from now on. If ever such a man desires to be and wishes to save from being bull-dozed by the corporate juggernaut he must acquire enough expertise to become a high-flying 'consultant'.

    There was a profound wonderment an American felt 'how an Indian (not his native type) can subsist and survive on US$2 !'. His inquisitive nature and probing mind led him to a new realization. 'PPP'(Purchasing Power Parity) is recent discovery. It is the crystal formed of past theories and corporates have opened their eyes to PPP, which is like the 'potential difference' (PD) that Electric Engineers talk of. Corporates tap this difference till there is no more PD left in a country and leaving the aftermath to that country's politicians, seeking a country with favourable PD. A loaf of bread in India costs Rs.20 which is US$ 0.40, whereas it costs US$ 3.00 there. Globalisation seeks to level it so that ideally both pay US$1.1(that is what my calculator says, up or down the same ratio). As a study in Staistics or some such, the calculation looks very neat, crisp and globally neat.

    It was practiced in colonialism under a different guise but with similar end result. In 1970's when I was in an aircraft factory, a friend of mine visited a leading aero-engine factory in UK as internee. An old worker there commented that '30 years ago when he joined the factory he paid 2 shillings as metro train fare and now he pays 8 shillings.' My friend responded 'the difference of 6 shillings were paid then, by Indians'.

  2. it means that corporations can get up and leave for a lower wage paying country to make higher profits

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