
What is god?why he is god? when he is born?

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What is god?why he is god? when he is born?




  1. Go read the bible. That's the book that will give you the answers to everything.

  2. 1. God is a concept made by humans during history to give answers to the unknowns, as science advances we humans need less and less of any god cuz we can figure out how world works.

    2. why? cuz ppl couldnt figure out things back then and thats why they came up with that idea.

    3. i dont when exactly but im sure long before any major religion was formed,

  3. you better read a bible

  4. Well this is what i believe

    God symbolizes different things for different people.  For me God symbolizes the re4ason to live a good life and to treat everyone equally.  As long as you believe you lived your life as well as you could you should end up in Heaven.  God is a pretty forgiving guy

  5. God was before there was at all.

    The Tetragammon YHVH ( I Am That I Am ).

    No one created Him, He is creation.

    He is God because He did indeed look about all of the heavens and nowhere did another God dwell.

    He has no birthdate because there was no time when He was.  

  6. Lol, it's amazing how many people will tell you to go read The Bible as if it has all the answers from Google stock prices to Eistein's Theory of Relativity to "Life's questions." The truth is, you won't find any of those answers in there. The Bible is for people who need to find some sort of guide and who cannot guide themselves. Who is God? I submit that there is more than just one God, yes, there are Gods! Who are the Gods? Well, to answer that question, perhaps we should ask, "Who should we worship?" Who has done so much for humanity that they deserve to be worshipped by humanity? That's the answer to your question. Anyone you think has advanced humanity is such a magnificent way that they deserve to be worshipped is a god. Julius Ceasar, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, General George S. Patton, Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower,  Former Israeli Prime Minister Itzac Rabin,  David Ben-Gurion (the Founder of Israel), the Baron Warchild, King David, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, and many more. They are the ones deserving our worship. We should look to them for guidance. Maybe they're not Gods as we define them today, but they've helped all of us so much that only they can be relied upon when we search for guidance and answers.

  7. Whatever God is, he/she doesn't have the power to get the religions to agree on God. Hopefully, one day we'll have a God who can.

  8. God is an imaginary being.  

  9. What is the point of this question? Why did you even bother asking it? When will people stop this?!

  10. God was not born,nor did he give birth to a child.


    Because he is the only one god that has no son.

    What is god?

    god is god.

    i'd seem a stupid person if i said i know what is god

    despite all

    i believe in afterlife,day of judgment,h**l,paradise. i would prove it to you but i am just afraid you make fun of my believes !

  11. A popular fiction.

  12. there is no god. we have no explination of how the world was created so we just say god did it. but meanwhile, we really dont know.

    just ask yourself this. how?

    with his powers?

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