
What is going in henin's head.why has she retired from the game?

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What is going in henin's head.why has she retired from the game?




  1. No more "fire in the belly".

    Winning in tennis may have been her substitute for losing at life.

    Now it seems as if she has a chance at being content in an ordinary way. She has already proved everything on the tennis court,now she wants a shot at ordinary happiness.

    I say she deserves it and applaud her decision. I hope she enjoys the rest of a long and fruitful life and I will never forget the great thrill of watching her superb technique and amazing aplomb and will to win.

  2. After the win in WTA Masters in Madrid I think Justine took time with her family and had a good off season and that made an impact on her life that she individually and personally found hard to come back to hard training and hectic schedule on the tour.  She got back her estranged family.  When you feel settled you don't fine that flame anymore inside your heart. That was what happening to her. And she finally quit rather than losing to many more players on the tour. She retires as a great champion and World #1 and her beautiful single-handed backhand will be remembered forever in the game of tennis.

  3. She's got bats in her belfry.

  4. as per henin, she's burn out..maybe she wanted to spend more time with her family, when you have all  what you wanted and dream of, you're starting to loose the flame, you're starting to drive your motivation into something different,  a quality time with her reunited family. she's a brilliant player, she knows better what she wanted.

  5. in an interview she said she "burned out"

  6. i believe its a combination of reasons..... perhaps getting back with her family she is appreciating a different side of life...

    she does not have the determination anymore to win

    maybe she has ailments, and she knows she cannot be on top anymore...

    a big disapointment i think, regardless of what is best for her, or what makes her happy...

    fact is she had a big fan base, alot of admiration

    and many where hoping she could win wimbledon..

    that is the one thing she never proved... winning Wimbledon..


  7. She has the grace to leave when the desire is no longer there;it's not just for money but for the love of the game. A true champion, an example to all.

  8. she said in the conference last wednesday that she can't stand the physical and mental stress anymore..

  9. None of us have played tennis day in and day out and accumulated the number of injuries, large and small that professionals deal with.  The stress on the mind and body to be excellent all the time, and play almost every day can, and has taken its toll on many players.

    Henin has done what's best for her.

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