
What is going on? Advice please!?

by  |  earlier

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So, there is this guy, and he is incredibly nice, and I know it's not an act, because everyone that I know thinks he's nice. He's not a trouble maker at all, he's a drummer in a band, and a h**l of a good one. I started talking to him on msn, and about 2 months of that, I told him I liked him, not expecting him to ask me out or anything. He said he wasn't expecting that to happen, but he might like me a little. Since then, he's mentioned it a few times. He's very smart, and he doesn't want to ruin the friendship, but I think he likes me. When I was at his gig, he was singing, and he was sweating like crazy, and he seemed really nervous. Whenever I see him, he gives me the biggest smile, and he always stares at me. Does he like me? What is his deal?




  1. i think hes starting to like you but dont force it. just take things slow and dont mention it to him anymore if he likes you then he'll let you know. you dont want to scare him away

  2. Sounds like he likes you, don't know the guy but when I get all nervous around a certain girl I know what that means...

    You obviously have the confidence to be open about these things, so maybe ask him out but make it clear that you won't be offended if he says no (you won't, right?) and that it won't change anything. If he says yes then happy days; if he says no then it lies with you to make sure that he knows that nothing has changed between you and you can still be great friends.

    The way I see it - it's already out in the open, you are 2 intelligent people - there should be no problem here.

    Fingers crossed for you

  3. sounds like it try to make a move but not a big one hes might think your crazy for him.start makin moves alll the times when you see him.give him that look like (i want you so bad).then maybe if he aint slow he might get the clue .anyways good luck

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