
What is going on? Am i just plain unlucky or is there a god who is against me?

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I am a 22 year old guy, who has never ever had s*x or a proper girlfriend. I am constantly complimented on being good looking, and do get many looks. My luck however has been c**p- i get glances from women on streets or in really difficult situations. The girls i normally really like have boyfriends. Its very depressing- everywhere i look there are couples and people talking about their past experiences. What can i talk about? Nothing, or i can just lie. I'm not a big heading guy at all- i've just reached a point where im confused as to why me- a so called amazing looking guy who is expected to be getting ladies left, right and centre is getting nothing. I admit i have a few insecurities and am a bit shy. People say im picky too, which i can be but really my luck is so bad there is nothing to be picky about! All i want is nice lovely lady. Time is ticking, and the more time goes by the more depressed, lonely and confused i will be.




  1. Welcome to the club of dating, by that I mean, looking around for potentials.

    I'm sort of in the same dilemma. But seriously, your 22!!! You are so young, a ticking clock shouldn't be a stress factor for you.

    The best thing you can do is not look for a girl, forget about the whole idea and focus on your school? job? career?

    Then, all of a sudden, BOOM!! there she is, no warning at all. Works every time!! No one said the world is fair, but if you wait the right time, it is Always worth it.

    A respectable girl you have waited for will also appreciate the fact that you haven't had s*x. It's makes you less S****y.

  2. unlucky

  3. I've been like that before. But the only solution to your

    problem is to have a lot of confidence in yourself.

    This is probably the hardest step of all.

    Once you have confidence in yourself it can only go uphill.

    Just go out there and mingle.

    Go to bars, malls, even just the park. If you see someone

    you like just introduce yourself, politely

    and as nicely as you can.

    I know it's seems pretty simple, and it is, but just ignore

    your shyness and all will be alright.

  4. maybe you should try posting a picture on here so people can tell you if they agree with what you're saying, you may think your hot and you may not be, also it could have something to do with how you dress or smell, and how you come off sounding, such as needy, arrogant, self centered...ect...but you shouldnt need to worry to much, my husband and I met when he was 28 and i'm the only person he's been with (just dont admit it to women you date, it would make you look pathedic)  

  5. I think the reason you are having a hard time finding a girlfriend is because you haven't found the right person yet. When you do you will know. Of importance to note as well that you need to get over your insecurities and your shyness because that can prevent you from getting a girlfriend. You do this by reading alot about relationships and putting the advice what you get into practise. You also need to love and accept yourself. You can also get counselling if you wish as well so that you can be successful in future relationships.

  6. Its not god who is against you is tat he is waiting for the right girl. One who will  be perfect in your eyes and you being perfect in her eyes. Just try getting closer to god and he will give you that girl you are looking for.

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