
What is going on? Need advise..?

by  |  earlier

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I am engaged to a man i love and we have two beautiful children (18months and 3 months) but lately i have started having doubts about my feelings..i find him a bit controlling and he likes to tell me how things should be done ( i am 28 he is 42, been together for three years, known each other four), my family and friends live in another country and he's family is far away too so i am also a bit lonely. But i feel i don't have any patience with him, we haven't had s*x since the birth of number two and i have no desire to go to bed with him and sometimes i almost feel things would be better if he cheated so i could go home and not be with him (obviously i don't really want him to..) Am i being a coward for not coming clean or is this normal/just a faze?




  1. Post partum depression.  See you Doctor.

  2. sit him down and talk to him about your feelings

    if he still thinks hes still in the right i think its time to move on missy

  3. I guess you think too much. Guys couldn't think complications you know. Besides, you need to take a break and visit Thailand. That's probably the reason why you post your question in Thailand category. My girlfriend also thinks in four dimensions, which I couldn't possibly comprehend.


  4. Hi - I think with your first baby so much was going on that you and your partner just got on with it. With the birth of your second baby your partner may not be doing his bit to help and may be taking you for granted .  It does not help matters that your family are so far away and it sounds like you miss them so much. If you can afford it why not see your family for a couple of weeks - if not then you will have to chat with your partner - come clean with how you feel and see how he reacts and go from there.

    I know this is rich coming from a man but when my partner had our son she got the baby Blues and became very emotional sometimes aggressive and told me to sleep in the spare bedroom. I was very sympathetic but after 6 months my partner decided to go to her Doctors and seek advice got treatment and our relationship improved. I suggest you seek Medical advice as it can only help and it could save your relationship

    Good Luck

  5. Hang on a minute, you gave birth 3 months ago and your hormones and emotions are all over the place. Give yourself time to get over the birth before you make any changes to your life.  I loathed my husband after the birth of my second, he then went and found someone else. I realised it was partly my fault for pushing him away and wanted him back.  We are still together 30 years after the trauma and look back on the episode with humour.  As to the control he can only control you if you let him. If he doesn't like how you do things tell him to shift his butt and do it himself.

  6. Hormones talking I think..Ofcause he is 42 he wanted to tell what needs to be done and how.

    Doesn't give him the right to be right all the time. Stand your ground..and open conversation by saying..We need to talk there are some things that makes me feel depressed and You need him to understand not to lead to arguement.

    Tell him you  want to sort things out one way or another.

    When you have decided to have a child with someone you were already get another life involved and it won't be fair because it's you Both children not just yours...

    Before you make any decision the father has a right to know and understand what's going on before being dumped or have a chance to improve or fix things if he willing to.

  7. Sorry for your problem but what does this have to do with Thailand.

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