
What is going on here???

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I am almost 37 weeks along. I have been having a dull back ache that comes and goes and contractions that are very uncomfortable. I can feel them in my back as well as in the front, up top and at the same time it feels like a menstrual cramp. I have been getting these for a few days now. The weird thing is ... they go away. Not with activity or anything, just kind of on their own. I know Braxton Hicks are supposed to be irregular and painless. These are irregular but not painless.

I have lost my mucous plug a few days ago and have been nesting like crazy the last couple of days. At my last check up I was starting to efface and I have TONS of pressure on my pelvis.

Could this just be the start of labor and is it just not pushing through? Has anyone experienced anything similar and if so, how long did this last? If I have to put up with this for another month I am going to go insane!!




  1. I have been experiencing this for the past month. I have always heard that braxton hicks are not painful, but that is not completely true. Mine feel like pms cramps but worse. Sometimes they can be quit painful.  It differs with every women. I have heard of cases where the braxton hicks were more painful than the actual contractions. My dr confirmed that mine are just braxton hicks and will only get worse. If they are irregular they I doubt it is labor. You can be effaced and still have a few weeks to go. Check with your dr at your next appt, I don't think it is necessary to go to the hospital unless you are getting regular contractions 2-5 apart. You can call and talk to someone at the hospital just to ease your mind or call your dr. They will probably just tell you to come in when you are having regular contractions. Take a couple Tylenol and lay down if you can, drink lots of water and have someone rub your back if possible, this helps me. Best of luck and congrats!!

  2. Sounds to me like the early stages of labour to me but I'm no doctor - go get it checked and put your mind at rest

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