
What is going on here?some advice please?

by Guest65800  |  earlier

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i have been seeing this guy(we reconnected after being out of hs for 11 years) for a few weeks. he came over sunday and when he left he said call me and i said ok and i called him last night and his phone went straight to voice mail and he didn't call me back.i have been in bad relationships before and so i automatically think he is with another women(which is fine cause hes not my bf) but now i feel like c**p even though he might have just been do i get over these trust issues i have with men? why cant i just relax?i am my worse enemy and tend to be very hard on myself and I'm over analyzing the situation.i always think i did something wrong.its just that he always calls me and cuddles with me.yikes I'm so confused.any one go through this after they started dating after a bad relationship?this is my first relationship in over a year.I'm not going to call him again cause i don't want to be pushy but should i call him back tonight cause it went straight to his voice mail or should i call tomm if he doesnt call tonight?i know this is probably in the wrong section but i figured that there were alot of guys in here.




  1. Seduce him.  

  2. Since you say he is not your boyfriend, then you should not take the relationship so seriously.   If he doesn't call you back in a few days (because as you say there may be extenuating circumstances) maybe you call him and be very up front with him (even if you have to leave a message on his voice mail)  Think of what you want to say before hand in case you have to leave a message.  In a polite but matter of fact manner, ask if he wants to continue seeing you (which you would like)  and if not you are moving on.  I think you are being too hard on yourself and over analyzing.  

  3. yes it is the wrong section you need singles and dating

  4. well if you've been in bad relationships go about the beginning differently. make sure hes a good guy before you give anything a way to begin with. second if you think this guy is a good guy then leave him a cute voicemail or call him back -- if he's interested and your cute about it then he won't think your pushy at all for calling. h**l think its hot.

    good luck =]

  5. If you didn't leave a message on his voice mail then i think you should try ringing him back. His phone could have simply been out of battery or a problem i have is that i use my phone as my internet connection and it cuts off all calls; sending them straight to voice mail.

    I'm not really sure what to say about your trust issues with men, but i'd give him a call back, especially if you like him/had fun on the sunday.

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