
What is going on if a company is given a 30 day notice of delisting on NASDAQ for being<35 M?

by  |  earlier

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  1. There are listing requirements that must be met according to the exchange that the stock is listed with, in your case NASDAQ.  The company must meet 5 or 6 requirements to continue to be listed on that exchange.  In the case of your stock it looks like it&#039;s around 23 cents per share and needs to be over $1.  If it can&#039;t get to $1 by the end of the deadline than it will have to move to another exchange.  (probably OTC) While this won&#039;t mean your stock will be worthless it&#039;s generally not a good thing.  Until a ruling is made your stock will probably get another letter added to the end of the ticker.  (I think it&#039;s a D or a Q) Then if the company cannot meet the requirement or get a waiver it will move to another exchange.

    Penny stocks are were love goes to die...

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