
What is going on in Australia? Why wont they let me work there?

by Guest34332  |  earlier

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What is going on in Australia? Why wont they let me work there?




  1. They'll only take on people who can satisfy the needs of the country.

    We soooo should set up a system like that in the UK.....

  2. You many not have a skill they need,

    you need to have a really good skill or be born there etc

  3. its based on a points system. and they have really tight rules, you need to have trade ideally.

  4. Australia doesn't have enough water and has too fragile an environment to support large population increases. Because it is a very popular place to migrate to we have a strict immigration policy restricting immigrants to refugees, family migration and skilled migrants. To qualify as a skilled migrant you need a qualification and experience in an area in short supply in Australia, and you need to be under 40 with good English skills.

    I'm sorry but there are way more people who want to come here than we can fit in :-)

  5. apparently theres companys mainly in london who will get you in cost £1000approx i met 3or4 people overthere who got in this way

    just an idea if desperate

    its fantastic country

  6. You need to be very skilled or have some other sort after quality. The only people from outside Australia that can move there whenever they like and work, live etc quite freely are New Zealanders. They don't even need a visa!

  7. We have the right to stop visitors coming in and taking jobs that our own people need. Working visas are therefore restricted to skills and occupations that are not being filled by Australians. What's wrong with that?

  8. they will let you in if you have £20.000 in the bank

    or if you have a good trade qualification

    UK should take there standards

  9. We need to filter the applicants to those possessing the skills we require. If your applying for a working holiday visa I think they are less stringent but the issue is we have a lot of illegal immigration here so we need to be careful who we let in and who we don't. I

  10. Because they are an over arrogant and irritating nation filled with lower-class and UN-educated convicts. In essence they are just afraid of more qualified people (i.e. you) taking their jobs, specifically foreigners ( Fear of Foreigners = Xenophobia).

    Not to worry, Australia isn't the only place you can try. The United States of America, The original Land of Opportunity, is also open to very happy for fully qualified and enthusiastic individuals like you. Also probably even more keen with it's economy heading for a recession.

    In addition to further emphasize my point that Australia and its people are scared of Foreigners or 'Alien goods' , take for example the stringent quarantine protocols for bringing in items or goods from overseas. You can bearly bring anything that is not originally from Australia in fear that you would  cause an imbalance or alter the point of equilibrium in the environment i.e. Foreign Animals, which is one of the many different reasons proposed by these people. And not to mention the harsh consequences if not abide. It's almost as if they want to stay isolated but know they cant possibly do it or alternatively just want to live inside an 'Australian Made Bubble' with nothing coming nor anything coming out.

  11. Hard to answer when you don't give enough information.

    They won't let you work here but you are already here on a visitor visa?or at they NOT allowing you to come into Australia?

    We have enough problem with illegal immigrant workers we don't need to have you as another person taking up place of someone else who did all the right thing to be here.


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