
What is going on in Georgia similar to the USSR invading Hungry?

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Are we going to sit back this time and watch Russia take over one country at time?

Or are we going to do something?




  1. NO! Russia will back down when Georgia agrees to leave South Ossetia alone. It has been de facto independent since 1993 and they SUDDENLY want it back? and waited til the world was occupied with the Olympics to try to take it by force. They just didn't expect Russia to get so ticked off about it.

    I think the only thing we should do is mediate. The last thing we need in this country is another overblown long drawn out war. Of course we will never JUST mediate. we will bomb or secretly supply someone with something or send in the marines. and since for some reason, we are on the side of the aggressors (Georgia, look it up, they attacked first to try to retake the area) we will be facing Russia. A nation with a crappy military but the ability to throw wave after wave of troops at us until we just get tired and quit.

    Just because the US government says its 1 way, doesn't mean it is. They don't have a great track record on truthful statements. And the media goes along with it.

  2. If you can read Russian or Georgian there is your site, if you can't, than this is the answer. Russians are doing the right thing........

    That land DONOT BELONG TO Georgia.

    President of Aphasia Sergey Bagapsh, would like his country to be independent from Georgia, and Georgia denied, so they ask for help from Russia.

    Don't believe everything you read in USA media.....

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