
What is going on in the news today, what is being talked about most as far as you hear?

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How are you being affected by the economy, gas prices, food prices etc......What adjustments are you making?




  1. Well I hear all this buzz about the presidential election and how Hilary should just get put of the race. As for how i am affected. well i think twice about not bringing lunch from home to work (cant afford to spend extra) ummm on the weekends we try to stay as close to home as possible to make the gas last longer. we have cut back on our entertainment spending. we use to go out and eat all the time but now we just eat at home. I go to costco and buy in bulk and hope that it last 2 months. but regardles its like the most we try to save the more that disapears!!!!!!

  2. In world news, I think the earthquake in China (possibly more than 50,000 dead!) and the aftermath of the typhoon in Myanmar (government still preventing aid from getting where it needs to) are the main news items.  

    In Jamaica, where I live, the gas prices are incredibly high.  Just last night, another huge increase was announced.  As of today, I'm saving up my errands so I go on the road fewer times in a week.  

    Re the food prices, I'm buying less expensive stuff where I can.  I'm certainly looking more closely at prices, comparing them, buying less expensive brands (except for my Charmin'.  Gots to have soft t.p. ... I can't go for the cheaper brands when it comes to the t.p.!) when they are available.  I've been buying generic stuff and I've cut back on things that used to spoil; for example, I like sweet potatoes and my husband doesn't.  I'd usually buy a few and at least half of them would spoil because I wouldn't use them fast enough, so now I buy just one or two when I know I'm going to use them.  The same goes for other food.  

    With respect to the economy in Jamaica, I don't pay enough attention to be able to make definite statements about it (other than that it's not great!), but I'm not working at the moment so my personal economy is bad right now.  I'm definitely watching what I spend, even with a hubby who supports me.  I'm also considering jobs I wouldn't have done before.  E.g. teaching younger students than I'd like to deal with.  It's a job and it's close to home (gas prices too high to look for jobs farther away)!

  3. The victim`s of the Myanmar administration. Not affected much with rising prices, gas etc., started saving at  a very early age. Would rather have had holidays etc.,though. instead of keeping up with inflation.

  4. Wow are you asking for a lot of feedback!

    The most talked-about things in my circles are precisely what you listed: gas, food prices, the economy, the check from the gov't... Also buying locally instead of internationally for everything from produce (apples from Chile?) to clothing (look for the Made in the USA label, please!). Also, to some extent, the election, although really who we elect in will not change things very quickly, and most of us realize it. It's up to the individual to make their own lives better, not waiting for the government to "fix" anything.

    Most everyone I know is tightening their belts as far as what is considered luxury items - going to the movies, paying for a babysitter, travel, hiring a yard service to mow, etc. I am also choosing to spend more on organic local produce and on American-made clothing, simply because where I live we see the jobs lost overseas every day. We can do something about the local economy, and it's as simple as keeping the dollars here in the US.

    What we shake our heads over as hopeless is the Myanmar cyclone and the China earthquake. Did you know the two combined killed .001 per cent of the world's population? That's not 10% or even 1%, but it's on the radar and sad. But natural disasters happen - support the Red Cross and that's at least trying to help.

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