
What is going on in the world today?

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I don't know anything that is going on in today's world. So what do you think is going on in the world today? (besides politics)




  1. The World is at a turning point I think.

    It feels like the Whole World is holding it's breathe waiting for something monumental to happen.

    Do some reading, listen and watch the news, and talk to people.....that's how you get information.

  2. wars

  3. the world has gone crazy, where i live, in the front page of today's newspaper, a drug deal that went bad has lead to murder. A girl sells a 18 year kid some pot for $70.00 the kid runs off without paying, the girl decides to get even calls her cousin he brings a gun down to her, they go looking for the kid who stole the pot,a gun fight starts, the kid who stole the pot shots the other person who bought his cousin a gun. he is now dead with a bullet in his head.The 18 year old is now facing murder charges. For the pass 13 days they have been looking for a 5 year kid who has disappeared, he was dropped off at his father's house for a weekend visit, when the mother went to pick him up he was gone, the father tells the police that he hasn't seen his kid all weekend, but witness say other wise. The father is now in jail on child endangerment charges. The police have found a bloody mop in the father's house along with other evidence. This Saturday night 8/30/08 it's going to be broadcast on America's Most Wanted. All this has taken place just down the street from where I wonder why I just go to work and then come homeThen you hear about the little girl in Florida that is missing and mom saids that the babysitter took her, bull, mom killed her little girl, it's just going to be a matter of time before everyone knows what she did. like i said the world has gone crazy and there's only a few of us that are sane, and were the ones who have to suffer from today's world..

  4. Well, they just arrested cindy for the death of cayly, and yesterday the lab test came back and they said the fluid in the trunk of the car was from a decaying body. and the Russians are threating to blow up Polan if the USA puts missile sites there. also theres a herrican coming towards the gulf and they expecting the storm to hit New Orleans and the Gulf too.   April

  5. not much.

  6. Aliens landed in Denver yesterday.  Britney Spears stubbed her toe.  It snowed in Miami.  Hawaii was moved to California by a Tsunami.  

    Automobiles were on the roads all over the world.  Clouds were drifting by towns everywhere.    

    Stay tuned for more earth shattering events.  

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