
What is going on with Guiding Light?

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Ok - so I used to watch GL about 10 years ago and have started back up again about 2 months ago. Can someone please explain to me how/why Lizzies mom, Beth, is now fooling around with Lizzies grandfather, Alan? And if Peyton is Alan and Beth's daughter, then is she both Lizzies half-sister and her aunt??? I'm so lost.




  1. Beth and Alan are married.  Peyton is their baby (I think).  If it's not Alan's kid I think it's Beth and Rick Bauer's.  Can't remember the whole paternity.......but it is defo Lizzie's half sister, and Beth's daughter.

  2. Beth married Alan married in August 2005 and later divorced in January 2007. Beth then married Rick Bauer and shortly after Beth found out she was pregnant. Cassie found out about the DNA test and she went in and changed them so it would look like Rick was the father. Cassie did that without Beth knowing because Alan hired that Grady guy to kill Jonathan which resulted in Tammy dieing(Cassie's daughter). Cassie did not think it was fair for Alan to have a kid, when she lost her's because of him. Pretty much everyone knew except for Beth and Alan. Later Jonathan returned with Sarah and Lizzie and him were going to get married so that Alan would leave baby Sarah alone. that did not work because Jonathan would always have a love for Tammy and also Lizzie was in love with Bill. At the christening for Payton, Jonathan brought Sarah their and Alan started threatening that he was going to take Sarah and so on. Alan grabbed Sarah and so Jonathan grabbed Payton and they were threating to kill each other, until Reva stepped up and said Alan you are Payton's father. Beth was shocked and Cassie was so mad at Reva for saying that. Alan gave Sarah back to Jonathan as long as he would release Payton. Beth tried to make it work with Rick, but she just could not forgive him so they split. So now Alan and Beth are living together and raising their baby girl together. I don't know if they are going to be remarried or what. So to answer your question yes Payton is Alan's and Beth and Alan are together. So I guess that Lizzie would be her half sister and her aunt or something like that. I get confused when I think about it lol.....

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