
What is going on with John Cena?

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Has John Cena been losing popularity? I don't even like him that much anymore! I don't know what it is... but he is just losing popularity...




  1. he is losing matches not popularity. they just had him lose last night so he could b #1 contender against cm punk and cena will turn heel. he will say something like im tired of triying 2 impress u people. then there is a feud. also its been 10 months since he had the wwe title.

  2. He isn't losing popularity, the writers are just having him lose matches for a change. I kinda think you're a mark if you stop liking him once he starts losing...

  3. He road out his popularity, its getting a bit old  

  4. because over the months i just guess his absence has lost popularity and sometimes it seems he cant take that much and then he barely apears in the tv or maybe its because theyre no freaking storyline for him because FINALLY vince has reflected and seen that there is better people...... if you SMELLL............ WHAT IM COKKING DADADADADADADA////

  5. He's the only wrestler who hasn't had a negative storyline, therefore fans are tired of seeing him as the same goodguy gangster wrestler

  6. Yeah, Cena's been falling off for a while now. I don't think it's because of his popularity, it's just that people are tired of seeing the same guys on tv week in and week out.

  7. John Cena sucks. If you haven't noticed... Like no one on here likes him. That's for good reasoning.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  8. I don't care what anyone else thinks. He's great- period.  

  9. This started happening quite a while ago.

    Where have you been?

  10. i think he is but i wish he won cause no offence to batista fans but i hate his F*cking guts and undertaker kicked edge's @$$

  11. I think that he is being used to get the other wrestlers over. I feel that he is going to be pushed for the belt very soon with batista.

  12. i hate him

  13. He had the most popularity when He was Champion.

  14. I don't think he is losing popularity, I think he is stepping down for a while because the fans are tired of seeing him in the main event spot all the time. I also think that him stepping down will raise his popularity b/c he will get a new gimmick which is what everyone wants

  15. He's been losing popularity for quite some time now lol..

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