
What is going on with Nascar and the dominance of only a few cars?

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I'm a long-time fan dating back to the early 70's. Back then, they brought whatever they had to the race track and drove it. You had some dominant drivers along the way but not like today. Why is it that there are 2 drivers and teams that have the COT figured out, but nobody else is able to complete the package consistently like Kyle and Carl? Why is there nobody challenging this fact? Toyota is only in the series for 2 years and yet they are running away in all 3 series with 1 driver and Ford has only 1 driver competing ? Has everyone else just decided to let Kyle and Carl fight it out and they all have given up? What goes? Help me to understand what is going on in this sport today because I know myself and a lot of others according to comments made in various forums are not enjoying the sport like we use to and I know many that hardly follow the sport anymore.




  1. I have often wondered that too but there are so many circumstances that could happen to any driver and any team at anytime. Look at last year, Jimmy Johnson and Jeff Gordon won just about everything and this year Kyle and Carl are dominating. Nowadays, especially with the COT you have to have alot of luck fall on your side. I was expecting Kyle Busch to hit a dry spell sometime or another but it hasn't happened yet. Carl however did have a stretch there where he couldn't do anything right and now he is on fire.

    Add: Great question by the way!  :)

  2. umm........reckon you never heard of richard petty......cale yarbrough and the likes

  3. Do you know why it's mostly Men that pay attention to car racing. Because they pay attention. You not. We hate to sit at a race and have to explain eveything that happening. There are good cooking classes out there.  

  4. I understand what you are saying. I've been watching forever also and have noticed different drivers dominating at different times over the years.

    Your right this is different from the type of dominance we've seen in the past. My take on it is only drivers that can drive a loose car can be successful with the COT. Carl and Kyle seem to be the best at driving a loose race car. If the team sets the COT up any other way than loose it's just not fast. That's the reason drivers on the same teams don't run the same. I've hated the COT from the start because it can only be set-up for certain drivers! Unless Nascar gives the teams more adjustability look for more of the same.


  5. Um, are you watching the same NASCAR I'm watching?  Last year, Jimmie and Jeff, two drivers from ONE STABLE, were dominating, and you're complaining about two drivers from DIFFERENT TEAMS using DIFFERENT MAKES dominating?  Hey, at least we have a competition this year... yeah, the season got off to a slow start, but we're rockin' and rollin' now... I'm really psyched for the Chase this year... last year, it was just... blah.

  6. I'm starting to wonder the same thing. I really enjoy the strategy of watching the 48 team but I would like to see just plain racing without all the rules and technical regulations...where you could do whatever you want to the car then we'd really find out who the best racer is.

  7. See the problem is NASCAR officials and there rules are screwed up. They for some screwed up reason they wont question any team members. Kyle and Carl are not better than Jeff Gordon or Tonyu Stewart. They have been around for too long to have some g*y boys take over nascar. Tony and Jeff have had a not so good year. Bad luck all around. But that is the million dollar question....Who can out run Kyle Busch and Carl Edwards?

  8. There are a lot of changes (tire compounds especially) that take place almost every year and the teams that hit on it strike gold while the others struggle to even keep up. Most of the time, it's the teams with the most money adapting to changes the quickest. Last year, Jeff and Jimmie were unstoppable but a change in tire compound and the new COT being run everywhere, they lost their edge and another team hit on it. I was really impressed when Kyle and Carl remained just as dominant even after Nascar started regulating "crabbing."

  9. Because the real fact is...

    "It's the dominance of a few technicians"

    It's not the "cars" it's "the technicians"

    And then you can tell who the good drivers are.

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