
What is going on with Target and other companies when it comes to being "green"?

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I just saw a target ad that said, love your mother earth. Are they insane? 99% of what they sell is made in china, a country who has some of the worst polluting factories in the world! Is anyone buying into this?




  1. even though we know differently these companies want to be perceived as responsible corporate citizens. its popular to be green. and target etc. want to be popular. there are still quite a few dim bulbs out there who think these companies are doing their part to save our planet and therefore deserve our business.

  2. I think it's retailers way of trying to make us the consumers forget that 99% of their products are made in China. What better way to refocus customers attention than to talk about things that are important to a lot of people now days. Going GREEN is on everyones mind these days and of course it is to the advantage of everyone, the earth (obviously), the consumers, and of course now even the retalers.

  3. Target= Cult

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