
What is going on with gas prices?

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I saw the Kangaroo station on NC 55 at $2.86 a week ago.

It was $2.91 on Sunday.

$2.99 this morning. Now it's $3.03.

This is the same gas station I pass on my way home from work.

Why is it changing all of a sudden?




  1. Oil refinery in Texas blowing up. It will be out of commission for at least 2 weeks. Lucky it's not a holiday season. No new refineries have been built since the 70's but our energy needs have increased substantially. Any little hiccup in supply is going to negative repercussions on the price of gas. You can thank the environmentalists and Democrats in particular.

  2. If you were paying attention for the last 30 years or so, you would have noticed the prices steadily going up with periodic downswings to give us a break. Expect prices to continue going up, then down a little, then up again.

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