
What is going on with me? Why didn't it come this month?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a little curious more than anything. I'm 19 years old. My period has never been on time. But for the past 5-6 months I've been having it around the 11th. However, last month I began on the 7th. So when this month came around and both the 7th and 11th passed, I began to wonder what was going on. I took two pregnancy test, but both came back negative. So I don't think I'm pregnant. Although my b*****s are a little on the sore side. Can anyone give me a little insight as to what could be wrong?.. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!




  1. stress can cause your period to be late just give it a few more days and if your still worried go see a doctor

  2. With your period being so erratic I would say don't worry.  Are you on the pill or anything like that?  

    Tenderness in the breast can come with the period but it is also a side effect of most contraceptives.

    If you really are concerned go see your obgyn and settle it in your mind.  

    My period was just like this and I worried contstantly about it until I was in my twenties.  Nothing changed except the breast tenderness finally stopped.

    Hope this helps, good luck

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