
What is going on with my cycles?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 8 months now. We have a 21 month old daughter and we feel that it's time to have another baby. I had an IUD and got it taken out in January, 3 days after I got it taken out I bled for the first time. My first "real" cycle was 29 days, the month after that it was 39 days(I seriously thought I was pregnant that month, what a disappointment) then it was another 39 day cycle, then a 28 day cycle, then a 41 day cycle. I saw my doctor and she told me that I probably just need to monitor my ovulation, but DH and I were having s*x pretty much every 2-3 days for the last 8 months just to be safe so that I always had his sperm in me ready to swim in.

I'm just really hoping to get pregnant, and now my body is throwing these abnormal cycles at me (I used to have pretty normal 28 day cycles). I'm just wondering if y'all have any suggestions for me to up my chances. I'm using the OPKs this month, and taking Evening Primrose Oil, and my husband is taking a multivitamin and drinking Grapefruit juice.





  1. It may have something to do with the IUD.  Why not talk to your OBGYN and see if it is a common problem.  I have never used an IUD, so I'm not sure.

    I do know that irregular periods make it harder to pinpoint ovulation.  This can then make it harder to conceive sometimes.

    If you've already had a child, I wouldn't worry too much.  You are oviously able to get pregnant.  Sometimes it just takes a little time.  It took me over a year with my first and then I immediately became pregnant with the second child the first month we tried.   I've always been told you are more fertile after you have a baby.  That seemed to ring true in my case.

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