
What is going on with my homepage???

by  |  earlier

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All I have is market news




  1. You may have spyware that changed your home page.

    Go to settings - the internet options - and see if is in the homepage box.

    If not, replace it.

    While you're there, delete temporary files, history, and cookies.

    Download the free program: Adaware by Lavasoft - run it.

  2. What was your homepage and what is it now?

    You may have spyware on your computer.  If your homepage has been hijacked Ad-aware SE will take care of most issues regarding spyware or adware.  Best of all it is free.  You can download it here:

    I hope this helps you.

  3. Not sure who your provider is, However there is more than one possibility why you cannot view your homepage.

    1. Problems with your provider

    2. Problems with your computer (Spyware/virus/other)

    There is not enough information for me to give you a better answer.

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