
What is going on with my laptop????HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes when I close an internet page it closes and then like 50 pages open one right afterthe other; showing the window I had just closed...soes anyone know what it is and what I should do?

I have Norton Antivirus....( It might be revelent:S)




  1. Run a scan with Spybot Search and destroy from

    While I've seen norton mess up computers in MANY ways, I haven't seen this symptom of norton's poor programming before, so it may or may not be relevant... but it could be relevant in that norton has a tendency to let bad stuff through.

  2. I would suggest that you run both an antivirus scan, as well as an antispyware scan.

    If you need a free antivirus program, you may want to try using AVG, which can be downloaded from the link below.

    If you need a free antispyware program, you may want to try using AdAware, which can be downloaded from the link below.

    Good luck and I hope I helped you!

  3. you have a major case of spyware

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