
What is going on with my older dog? Anyone ever have this?

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He is all the sudden out of control. He is whizzing on everything plastic in the house- containers, bags, everything and anything plastic. He keeps trying to hump my fixed female dog and it's really bad- not just play or dominance anymore. He refuses to take a treat or a pigs ear but flips out on my female and tries to take hers and leaves his on the floor. He refused to get off the sofa- I was trying to fix it and actually snapped at me and bit me! He is a 12-15 year old Jack Russell, he was a stray that someone found on the streets. So his age is a bit of a guess. He has been having problems seeing and I think his hearing is also going because he doesn't respond right away. What should I do with him? He is really getting out of control and has never been like this before!




  1. The reasons could be many, but in the end you need to get him to the vet. Any major behavioral changes could be indicative of a serious health issue, but only a professional can diagnose it correctly. Good Luck

  2. "Palanmac" is right, he needs to go to the vet.  Physical changes like excessive urination and the behavior changes can be found with thyroid disease, diabetes, and a number of other conditions.   I can see he is causing havoc in your house, but he is not happy either, and the cause could be physical.  Talk to your vet, good luck.

  3. On humping try and stop him. Be firm with him on the sofa. Don't give him anymore treats. Take him to the vet, if he's got problems with hearing or he's sights.

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