
What is going on with our justice system?

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my apt block is gov subsidized. originally elderly,disabled and students lived here harmoniously. lately we have been overran with people fresh out of rehab or prison. with them came the gangs and drug dealers.a tenant with physcophrenia recently started using crack, and stopped his meds. he is delusional and violent. on 3 occasions in the past week he attacked me, 2 times started papers on fire under my door and uncountable times puts crushed pills under the door to poison my cat. all unprovoked! i was using a speaker phone to 911 they heard him threaten me and said they would send a car when 1 was available.that was 2 weeks ago. for the past 2 days and nights he has thrown glass bottles at my (he does this to other tenats as well) door and window, smashing 1 window so far. last night i took out my garbage, he ran out of the fire escape and attacked my with a liquor bottle. i let him have it with my cane! HE CALLED THE COPS< THEY SHOWED UP! by the time they did he was gone, but in no uncertain terms i was given a warning that a cane is a weapon and i can be charged with assault with a weapon, possessing a weopon dangerous to public peace, and aggravated assault! i was freaking defending myself! what can i do other than remain locked in my apt 24/7? i can.t even go next door, as he leans stacked up jars or flourescent light tubes against the door, no matter how cautiously i open it they fall and smash, and trust me the 8' tubes literally explode! sorry this is so long, but i felt details were necassary. btw he has a history of physciatric problems, a few months ago attacked 3 female residents, and landlord suggested they move.any suggestions will be appreciated.i could "take care of him, or have someone do it" but i have a record, but have been pardonded. why are crackheads and nutcases coddled, and just because i live in poverty, should not the cops serve and protect me like they do the rich?




  1. cops figure anyone in the projects is welfare trash, and they don&#039;t give a d**n. look at manitoba, 3dead indians 2 in 1 week less than 2 blocks apart. notice all 3 were shot in front of gov&#039;t housing? cops don&#039;t want to be late for coffee break, rather the porr people kill each other off. but now the rich folk, give them 5 cruisers and10 cops, over a noise complaint, or petty vandelism, and they will be sure to agree the police dept. needs more money, and will pay higher taxes if threatened the police force needs to reduce it&#039;s numbers. saw a fella trying to wave down a passing cruiser last night, he had made a citizens arrest of a dude slashing tires. his buddy had the guy pinned to the ground. the cruiser went around him, and honmest to god, stopped at the subway restaraunt around the cornewr. another neighbour went there to get them, they casually ate lunch and said they couldn&#039;t respond until dispatched. my pals beat the snot outta the tire slasher called an ambulance, and left him in a pool of blood. time for us poor folk to resort to cowboy justice.

  2. Drug offenses in government subsidized housing are usually punished by revoking the tenant&#039;s privilege to live there, and they are usually very strict about that.  Perhaps this is a particularly bad neighborhood and the cops look the other way so as to make the statistics look better.  I had a friend living in such housing, it was located a block from the police station, and they were quite strict about enforcing the rules.

    Contact internal affairs at the police department, let them know the police aren&#039;t doing their job, you have a right to be served by the police, you do pay their salary through taxes.  One word of caution though: don&#039;t become Chicken Little over everything, reserve contacting the police for necessary situations.

  3. GFirst off start writing complaints to landlord and keep calling the police Keep a journal of times and dates and exact things that he does.

    If the landlord does not take action contact your local HUD department and let them know what is going on.

    They will assist you.

    You can google HUD for your area

  4. I would take pictures and call myself a lawyer, this guy sounds like he is a bit psycho, I would stay away, maybe even move somewhere else.

  5. Well first off if he is a danger to himself or others he can have a POEC done. But he has to be a DANGER ie &quot;I am going to take this knife and cut your head off&quot; not &quot;be careful something bad might happen to you today&quot;. the danger has to be cut and dry. but there is also one catch you cant do a POEC to someone that is under the influence. If he really EDP his doing drugs will mask or even enhance some of his problems. Call your local PD and see if they have a Mental Health Officer that might come out and talk to him. But if he does come out do get mad if he cant do anything. Remember its not against the law to be crazy.

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