
What is going on with the duck?????

by  |  earlier

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at our ranch in ID we have four ducks..two drakes..and two girls.. but all of a sudden one of the girls will not eat. she is not with the rest of the pack. some of our Friends thinks she might be laying soon..but we can't find a nest..can u figure whats wrong???





  1. How old is she? Usually hens will lay in early spring sometimes in the early summer. I believe that its too late for her to lay eggs now. So I dont think that thats the problem.

    Usually, if she has lost weight and is not in the group she has been kicked out. She has been overdominated and she is the most summisive one. You may need to feed her separate or she could starve because the others will NOT let her eat.

    I recommend getting her a friend preferably another male. If you keep her in a pen with him they should becaome mattes for life and make there own group. SHe may be better to eat more as well.

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