
What is going on with this girl?

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This question specifically is for the women, but guys can share their opinion as well.

I have gone out with this girl three times and I really do like her, she is sweet, kind, and just over a great person to be around. The problem is that out of the three times we have gone out, all I have gotten out of her is a hug. I am not implying that all I am looking for is to hook up with her, I am just saying that most of the other girls I have gone out with expect me to kiss them on the first or second date at the most. What do you girls think, am I overthinking this, or is there something I am missing?

Thanks for the help.




  1. she might just wanna take things slow for a while until things start developing. It depends on how long you guys known each other too.

  2. You've probably only gone out with the easy girls. This one wants to take things slow and is in no rush to kiss you or sleep with you. You should be glad.  

  3. Yep, your over-thinking. I myself feel that in order for things to go right, they should go slow. Things should be comfortable for her. And if you want to continue to see her, then you will let her make the moves. You can though, give her a hug before she hugs you now, since she opened that door. But you'll have to wait for that kiss you want. And like I said before, If you want to continue to see her you'll let her make the moves. So when the time comes when she gives you that kiss, you are expected to kiss her back, in the same way she kissed you. But then us women are different and after about Three respectable kisses that you give you ask if you can give her a more passionate kiss. Most men are too forward and it scares most women and turns them off and makes them run and hide.    

  4. Maybe she hasn't been in a bunch of relationships yet, and wants to take it slow.  

  5. But you like her because she is sweet and kind. 3 dates is not much, give her a chance for goodness sake.

  6. she wants to take it slowww

  7. I think she's sorta playing it safe, acting cool, and she's probably a little shy. I reckon if you invited her round yours for a candle lit meal, get her a little tipsy on some decent wine, she'll start showing her true colours. I think that for some women, going out is fine, but kissing in public etc is a bit OTT. I think that if you were in the comfort of your own home, thinks would be cool. By the way, rent a movie too! A really soppy one. Show her you're not too fussed about stuff like that! This is coming from a g*y guy, lol.

    Good luck!

  8. She's A Good Girl, Not One Of Those s***s :)

        ~~Victor Hugo~~

  9. she sounds like a closet nympho

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