
What is going on with today's children?

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I am a girl scout leader and I just came home from my meeting. I don't understand what is going on with kids today!! It seems like each generation thinks the one after them is going to h**l in a handbasket...but wow. These girls are pretty crazy! they wont listen, they actually hit each other, argue, name call, interrupt- it's just bizzare. it is like that everywhere? i just went to a birthday party not long ago in a small town- all of the kids there paid attention, used manners, etc. I just dont get how all of the girls are ungrateful, self-centered, mismannered, etc. Anyone have a different experience? Do they see the difference in today's youth? (I'm talking about 3rd grade) Is this a nationwide trend!?!?! UGH!




  1. im in fifth and fifth grade girls r phsyco

  2. "There are no bad kids, there are only bad parents."

    While that statement isn't always true, it is largely.  HOWEVER:  Wherever the blame, the question is what can we do to manage the problem with which we are left.

    Here is one suggestion:

    1. Call a meeting with the kids and parents.

    2. During the first part of this meeting, kids may not sit with each other - they sit with their parents.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

    3. Pull out a piece of paper and one large piece of poster board.  The purpose of this meeting is to set a code of conduct for your troop.

    4. Have the kids raise their hands when they have an idea for a rule.  If they speak out of turn, do not even acknowledge them.

    5. Keep it to fewer than 10 rules.  Combine as necessary.  5  rules is even better.  We're talking about kids with small attention spans!

    6. Write the code of conduct on the poster board.  You may even consider having some of the kids who are worst at certain behaviors write that rule on the poster board.

    7. Now, write up what happens if you break the rules ie: warning, then sit in the corner in time-out, then call the parent and go home, then 1 month suspension, then expulsion.

    Now, have a meeting THAT NIGHT with a very fun activity.  Get your best activity planned for it so the parents who aren't involved can see that scouting is fun and creative and great!

    Enforce the rules on a warning-only basis that night.  Remind the kids and parents that with the very next meeting, the rules go into effect in full force!

    Lastly, have a whistle in your pocket to bring the group back after total craziness which happens from time to time and is OK!  They are kids - they're supposed to get nuts once in a while!

    Good luck!

  3. I totally know what you are talking about. I too have a past as a girl scout leader and a volunteer cheer coach. And I would go insane and wear myself out just to get them to listen or follow instructions sit for 3 minutes please!!!! And what is so funny is I don't think it is the kids. In most cases it is the parents. Most of these children when their parents are around are the sweetest most polite little boogers you'd ever meet but when the parents leave all h**l breaks loose. I make sure anytime I take my child to soccer practice and girl scouts to take a minute and ask that she listen to her instructor and act like a polite lady, just a reminder before she steps out of the van. Every once in a while I will come across her acting like a loon and we have the talk that explains to her that her behavior reflects on who she is and who we are as a family and that when I am not around it is very important to behave. I had asked my parents very kindly in a email to just before each minute remind their child to be on their best behavior while they are with you and it should help a lot. Then I would go over the girl scout law with them. Also a trick I had when my troop would act up . . . when I was about to scream "shut up" I would say da da da da da and they would repeat back da da you know like the knock. Something a little fun that they would say "hey listen to the leader" Or try a goofy song, it will make you and them smile and remind them your there for fun too and their not being fair!

  4. I know what you mean. I see a complete lack of respect in children these days. Parents are lacking in discipline(spanking or otherwise), they are too busy trying to be friends with their children than parent.

    As a nanny I see the lack of respect all too often. I see children that hit and yell at their parents, and the parents just stand there or say don't hit mommy(and do nothing else). They try and make everything fair, and don't want to set rules that children need to thrive.

    I also see parents trying to put the blame on others. I see children that misbehave and their parents automatically blame the teacher, another child, video games, ect. Parents refuse to take responsibility for their children behavior or let thier children take responsibility.

    I disagree that spanking would solve all behavior problems in children. It is firm and consistent discipline that is needed. As a nanny I do not spank(obviously), yet get better behavior from children than thier parents do. I see a marked difference in the behavior of the children that I watch when their mom comes through the door. I can tell the children "no" one time and they will accept it, but they do not listen to their mom. The reason is that most of the time when the kids whine/throw a tantrum she gives in so she doesn't have to listen to it.

    The problem is the parents, not the children. Parents need to parent thier children, instead of trying to be friends.

  5. Kids today are different. Not enough parents discipline anymore and I don't mean spank....most parents actually DO spank. The problem is many parents aren't consistent with discipline or they don't discipline at all. Then you have other issues like video games and movies. When you think about it a movie that is PG-13 today would have been R back 15 years ago. More two income families with kids being on their own at a much younger age than in the past. There are a lot of bad influences out there and it's up to parents to set correct morals and values and discipline in their children and sadly many don't.

    to the poster above me....the majority of TODAY's parents spank. It's not lack of spanking that is the problem. Spanking is only one form of punishment, not a whole parenting style. I don't spank my kids and I have 4 well behaved respectful kids because they have discipline. I set strict rules and consequences and am consistent.

  6. yea i can see what you mean. I mean im 17 but i dont do half the stuff these girls do..drink,smoke,GOB(spit flem) right in front of me..there attitude is ludacris..there was this one time im at the train station waitin for my boyfriend and these two girls constantly shoutin remarks at other people "wot the **** you lookin at...DIIICK!" its like, shut the heck up...we call them here in the UK Chavs..they have no respect for anyone else and all they want is a fight.

  7. Yes,  in our modern day society, a group of idiot lawyers decided that disciplining a child could be child abuse, thus alternatives were created.  They dont seem to work as well... my mom used to slap me silly if I deserved it... I love her dearly, I dont consider it abuse, and I think we should be able to raise our children with the appropriate (not excesive, not too lax) amount of discipline.

  8. its cuz the parents are gettin younger and younger basically. i work at a school and im 21 and some of the parents of some kindergarderners and 1st graders are my age at least maybe like 5 kids in each class and its not like its a low class school either. i live in and work in a school in silicon valley in california its kids raising kids basically. every1 i went to school with in high school most of them have a kid now except for a handfull of people so...

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