
What is going through this mans head?

by  |  earlier

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I am 22, and he is 15 yrs older than me. We have fun together and he seems interested, have great conversations etc...but he goes hot and cold. Is he in fact just looking for a friendship, or more?




  1. He is looking to use you when ever he wants to. He is not worth of any woman's time or emotions

  2. He is obviously feeling a little insecure about the age difference.  Just give him time and stay friends.

  3. maybe you should just explain yourself and asked him face-to-face

  4. Does he has any health or  medical problems?

    Diabetic also have mood swing.

    you say you love him or you think you love him? Do you want more than just a friend? Do you being open about what kind of relationship with him?

    YOu have to learn to know when the mood swing occur, how often, what triggering it?

    If you can not even pay close attention than what do you mean you love him. YOu love s*x with him, his good looking, or he is rich?

    If you really love somebody than you should know what he like, what he did not like, what his thought, what can you please him or what can you do to p**s him off. WEll ....... if you can find out all that than you have answer your own question.

  5. Kelly, you asked this earlier...he may or may not like you..maybe he is scared. Maybe he is afraid that you don't like him like that. Maybe he is afraid that you think he is too old. Just come out and ask him out...either you wait for him and possibly lose him or just go for it and see what happens. It could be great.  

  6. you are seeking a relationship

    he is seeking a non committed sexual relational, or is married

  7. just ask him. most older men get funny acting any way.

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