
What is going to become of the US?

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Everything is in such a mess - leadership, education, cost of living, etc. I am really worried - not to mention global warming and the way we are perceived around the world. How will things work out?




  1. It all reminds me of the Roman Empire.  

    We think we are the best..

    our president doesn't care about us, (Cesar-put on the games to miss direct the people so they would not know what was happening) T.V. gives us games and Reality shows so we sit in front of the T.V. and not realize whats going on around us.

    Our sport stars cry-out we're #1 in the world. well not so.. your the best in the U.S. not the world. (again thinking that we are the best.

    Our senators and house are corrupt and only care about there pockets not the people.

    Around the world we are laughed at now. Not the Big inspiration we once were.

    Don't get me wrong. I love the U.S. I'm frustrated and worried where this country is going..

  2. I also wonder.  I don't believe the parties represent the citizens anymore, and in fact, don't represent anything beyond their party.  Yet it takes a lot of money to enter the processes and become elected.

    If we can get a candidate up who wants to deal with the country.. and not party politics.. I think we will come through it.  Very frankly, Lou Dobbs and I don't agree on many things, but he also has this country in best interest.  I would dearly love to see him become a write in.

  3. The pendulum swings both ways, things will get better.

    The country survived 12 years of Ronnie & DADDY, we will survive 8 years of junior.

  4. a tourist attraction

  5. I love the United States but I agree with what ur saying and unfortunately due to ALOT of things not being prevented / corrected....we are going to turn this place into a little cess-pool of butt if we don't do something quick...

  6. I wish i could truthfully anser how it will all work out but i cant....

    this country has been on a down hill path for a long time and we are getting less and less influence around the world every day.... all i know is that too much government causes alot of problems for the citezens... i really hope things change for our saker... good luck

  7. Everyone just watch Wall-E...we will completely destroy the earth by a bunch of different ways and just end up on a space ship for 700 years while we wait for the world to be acceptable to live on again. In the meantime...Life as we know it will be taken over my robots. It kind of sucks.

  8. What is to become of the US?  I would hope that leadership would start pulling up their boot straps instead of being so singly focused.

    Leadership:  The people vote in leaders erego, people should exercise their right to vote and try to vote in substance more than flash.  I'm pretty sure a candidate with a middle class background would balk at spending $1 million for a study to see if a $3 million study was necessary to see if money needed to be saved for Pentagon toilet paper products.

    Education: Again, personal responsibility.  Teachers WANT to teach.  Some students are not interested in learning and their families either have no control over them or want them out of school and on their own as soon as possible.

    Global warming: The US didn't like the Kyoto Accord because they were worried about the Big 3 losing business.  In reality, the Big 3 would have been busily engineering new fuel efficient vehicles or other technologies to power cars, new designs, new parts to change older models over, etc.  But that wouldn't have helped the oil companies, huh?

    Global perception:  The US is considered to be the loud obnoxious cousin....but the one you always run to if there's a l**k of trouble and you feel threatened.  There are many Americans who insist you speak English in their country and also insist you speak English to them in YOUR country (France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, etc).  Personal rights has become a mantra that overpower the individual giving up anything for the common good.  So others tend to view this brashness as selfishness.  However, not so selfish that other countries under threat don't run to the US for financial, military or peacekeeping assistance.

    The US itself has become obsessed on being politically correct with each other, yet gets involved in outside politics that are anything but politically correct.  The Muslims feel the US are trampling them from Iraq to Lebanon and only interested in their oil and assistin their other enemies, the Israelis, who are STILL occupying the Gaza Strip.  US graffiti shows up on centuries old buildings and bridges, graveyards, etc throughout Europe.

    Yet...all said and done?  Everyone wants to be American for what the US SHOULD represent: the American dream.  

    All civilizations rise and fall.  We see this cycle more quickly as we become  more and more a global community.  My work is going to India in October.  I never thought the day would come where India would offer more jobs than North America!!  And I work for one of the Big 3 that had such vested interests in buying American!

  9. If you are truly worried than vote for Bob Barr for president and vote for anyone who is not a Democrat or a republican fo every office there is a choice.

  10. The western states will become part of Mexico, while the rest of the country will split into smaller countries, based on religious and ethnic ties.

  11. First we need to stand tough and take back our country.

    Deport all illegals.

    Get rid of soft on crime and illegals like our Mayor in Phoenix.

    We are so worried about other countries that we have forgotten our own!

    USMC 67-71

    Yes, I gave blood for my country, what have you done?

  12. You are right, things are such a mess.  The government is trying to control us more and more everyday, from the federal government all the way down to the local city/town governments.  For example, in our town there are so many little ordinances and rules that infringes on our rights that it is crazy.  We are turning into more of a socialist society everyday.  The government needs to learn that with most things the individual needs to be an adult and make their own decisions, good or bad.  And with the global warning thing, we need to do ALOT more research on it before we spends billions of dollars doing something drastic  What if whatever we decide to do about it turns out to have worse consequences than not doing anything at all?  Every action has consequences, the government needs to start realizing that.

  13. America is declining. All great powers do. It's just historical inevitability. Sorry, guys, but you're not that special.

  14. With China taking the place that the USA had

    The USA will become just a big hot dogs stand. Ah, don't forget the beer

    The usa, as some say here, only wants to watch TV, drink beer, deport the ilegals ( no matter those who bring good things ), build a stronger n**i party, eliminate education

    What for ? Studying is a waste of time. Better eat, drink, and be merry

  15. when people start taking action which is the first step on fixing the problem

  16. If we don't build the fence and kick out the illegal alien invaders, then the U.S. will become a third world country just like Mexico.

  17. WE will eventually slide into a state of chaos unless something changes. The wealthy will increasingly become more powerful and the  middle class will cease to exist. The gap between will become wider just like most third world countrys. However the military will remain strong because the wealthy and political elite will need protection against its people and protection from the rest of the world. The government will increasingly inact harsher laws that work against the people, all under the guise of protecting them. Privacy will become a luxury of the past. Big brother will be watching everyone. Your ability to buy and sell will be curtailed, either for your survival or the because of government control over all things bought and sold, food, fuel,goods, all things!!  Your media will increasingly be used to continue brainwashing us all. Im sure with all this will come implanted chips, rationing of foods and goods. Your status and your connections will decide what you eat and when.  The government will have the ability to deny you the most simply of food and goods unless you fall in line to their control.  Basically America will become a facist state, we are well on our way.  It has been said that facism is simply corporationism. Look at us now!!  Our government officials are lobbied by huge corporations with tons of money to have laws written and changed to benifit big business. Our rights as free men and women are being eroded every day. Now big business operates without moral conscience and under protection of the law, I certainly have never agreed to give them more control.. They have learned that the suffering  and misfortune of our citizens is simply another excuse to charge more or raise prices. They create false shortages because they know shortages increases prices and profits. The speculators buy up and horde our natural resources thereby creating more shortage, therefore driving up the price. All for the sake of profit.  Cant people see the problem with our country is brought on by big buisness, by huge corporations who simply take and never pay back their share. They simply take and take. They destroy our health with chemicals, they take from the land what belongs to us all, they buy our politicians for the sake of control. They cheat us at every opportunity. They make the rules and regulations so difficult the lay person cant understand their rights or or what happens when they get behind. All for the sake of profit!  We are so bombarded by advertising that we believe it all. We now feel unless we have the things they advertise we have failed in life. Again, part of their scheme. Have you tried to get away from advertisments lately? Almost impossible! We have been groomed psychologically to buy, buy, buy in order to feel good about ourselves.  Did you realize that a part of what we think is the government isnt?? The federal reserve is not owned by the government but by private bankers and big business. They were given the right to manufacture our money in 1913 by congress. They make the money and loan it to the government to spend. They make it out thin air and then have the government promise to pay it back by putting up gold, our gold! The US reserve!! Where do you think your hard earned income taxes go? Do you realize that every penny collected from each of us simply goes to pay the interest on thin air money the bankers loan to the Government. Its true, research it!  Here is a flash!!!!  have your elected officials take back the task of making our currency and managing our own money, and guess what there goes the majority of the federal deficit which will create an excess of funds and guess what?? Maybe our grandchildren will get social security after all.  Not to mention programs that can benefit us all, i.e. more eduction, more programs for the poor, better health care, better standard of living. The list goes on.  Look, I love my country without fail. And I believe in a strong free America. Run by free men and women. We are the government but we are losing our control to the rich and powerful elite. We the people..........It was wishes of our founding fathers , the wishes for our future. They would weep over what exist today. The Oligargy in which we find ourselves must be brought down and control must be returned to our people.  How you ask??  I dont have all the answers but a good start would be show politicians and corporations we still have the control and can bring them down!!!!  Stop buying anything possible from big corporations unless they are giving back and helping people and America as a whole. Force them to behave morally by hitting them in the pocket where it hurts. Say no to the advertisments, learn to live with what you need, and believe that this makes you successful. Demand abolishment of the Federal reserve and return control of currency to the government. Demand a clear set of laws from the IRS and place restrictions on their actions. Agovernment should'nt be allowed to destroy the life of an average citizen.  Follow Bill O 'Rielly, stop buying Gasoline on mondays. Send a message to the power mongers!!  Demand that laws be changed to punish the criminal not the victim. Demand laws that punish corporations to the extent of their deeds, demand a limit on greed. Demand greater worker rights, after all we are the majority.  Demand that corporations be kept out of personel buisness. Demand courses be taught to our children that teach them how to be successful, ooops there goes all those people who are victimized by the wealthy. Make our people knowledgeable about money!!   Create more buisness opportunities for small buisness. Make laws to protect the small business owners and give them legal recourse against big corporations who try to drive them out.  This country was built by free men and women with innovative ideas and a moral attitude with a sense of service to our country and our people. We must hold on to these values cause thats what made us great. And great we must remain. But it all starts with you and I. Write letters, start a blog, be active in your community, take the time to make a difference regaurdless of how small.  This I say!!   A GOVERNMENT SHOULD FEAR ITS PEOPLE.......A PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER FEAR ITS GOVERNMENT.   Take America back!!  God Bless America, long shall she stand!!!!!!!!

  18. We will do as we have in the past, pull together for Our good.

    leadership - Our leadership changes periodically, no problem there.

    education - Parents need to take more responsibility. Political Correctness needs to be removed from school.

    cost of living - Restricting immigration, and imposing heavy penalties on violators will help.

    global warming - Global what? There is nothing that anybody can do to effect a normal global cycle.

    the way we are perceived around the world - Who cares what others think of our country. But if you want to guess at how we are perceived, then look at the nation with the highest immigration.  That would be the USA!

  19. Just be glad you live here buddy. You have no idea what people in other countries go through on a daily basis. We have the greatest country in the world no doubt about it!

  20. you will all become hill billies instead of just the majority.. at the moment the usa is generally considered to to be a bit of a loser country , responsible for a lot of bad things in the world.. but dont feel bad

  21. well, even tho this has nothing to do with what ur saying.. if pot becomes legal... we will run out of food and have to eat eachother becuz we will alwayz have the munchies. thts what will become of the world. we will all become cannibles

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