
What is going to happen on 12/12/12?

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I've heard a lot of things and I really wanna know from some who knows their stuff. THANKS :)




  1. Reportedly it will be the end of the world according to the Aztec calendar and Mayan Prophecy

    But I'll be sleeping just like every other end of the world story personally

  2. My drivers licence will be due for renewal.

  3. the same thing that happened on 01/01/00: absolutely nothing.

  4. Nothing.

  5. I assume that you are referring to the supposed "end of the world" myth that some people believe in because the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012.

    Our calendar ends on 31st of December every year. What happens when our calendar ends? The answer to that will give you the answer you are looking for.

    Even if the Mayans did think that the world was going to end in 2012, what makes people think that they were right? People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries and none of them have been right yet. Remember all the people who thought the world would end on the turn of the millennium? Before that there were people who said the world would end some time in the 1990's when the planets in our solar system all lined up (they were only very roughly aligned anyway). Before that it was something else and so on and so on, going right back to prehistoric times.

    Check out this page for a very comprehensive list of doomsday claims throughout history going right back to 90CE (about 1/2 way down the page under the heading "Hitting the Motherlode".

    Hope this helps.


  6. i heard nothing about it, but i did hear about 12/12/21

    i was watching something on youtube about it from the history channel....its creepy...there are so many things that point 2 the end of the world. but i dont think u  should believe it.

  7. Absolutely nothing. Just when something was going to happen when we went in to the 21st century. The Mayan calender ends on that date. And people have said that is when the world will end as we know it?

  8. probably nothing, its just a date in time and life isnt it. i wouldnt believe anything like this especially after the big scare of 2000

  9. You must also believe in Big Foot, Flying Saucers, ghosts, Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Loch Ness Monster, God and many other myths...   don't you?  I bet you listen to Coast to Coast with George Nory, too.  Personally, my favorite urban myth is about Richard Gere and the Gerbil....

    My suggestion for you...  stop believeing everything you hear.  Question everything.   Do your own research...   and when you learn to predict the future, come back and tell us about 12/12/12.  (How old are you?)

    Geez Louise!

  10. well from what i know,

    babylonian scientists had predicted that on 12/12/12 the world would come to an end.   but then again some other group of scientists had decided the world was going to end 5 years ago.  =/

  11. I don't know what is going to happen, if you looking for some weird things you be disappointed.

    I read a lot about history. Have never have read anything odd that happened on 12/12/12 that's 1912, or 1812, 1712 you get the idea.

  12. I will turn 21!

  13. i dont know have heard nothing abt it. may be we'll have to wait and watch what happens.

  14. we they say the world is going to end or the world is going to change but you know why do we have to pick a certain day to change lol and the way things are going on in the world now i think it going to be a at least 50  more years till the world ends. anyways yeah i also heard is was 12 -21 -12  and 12-22-12 so no one really knows well just have to wait and see

  15. Depends on rather you have religion or not. If your a christain then most think the saved will be taken to heaven then and there. But if you dont have religion then nothing, you just keep living your life. I cant tell you what you think will happen but i dont think anything will happen, if the world is even still around by then. With all these bombs and things we create and global warming, I have no idea!

  16. A lot of people actually believe that nothing happened on 01/01/00.

    I had been working on software for a major corporation, and several of our computer systems certainly would have failed on that date, or the next day etc. And our main materials management planning system had started failing a full year earlier, or more. Any system that was heavily date dependent and used a 6 digit date was at risk.

    So, yes, we fixed a lot of code over the 2 years leading up to 2000/01/01, and guess what, we had no failures left for that date.  It was not because the concern was unfounded, but because we checked code and corrected it, tested it,

    We had purchased software allegedly fixed for y2k, and when tested failed. Well that happens with fixed software. people miss problems or even see the problem and do not manage to fix it right.

    What will happen on 121212? Well, there is nothing much should happen. But next month we will have a few programs that confuse month and year go belly up because month 13 showed up for the first time. This will now be rare, as most dates are now held in 8 digit format.

    But that 8 digit format was not the norm in 1995.

  17. Isn't that the date that Cyberdyne Systems finally get Skynet to go live?

  18. Its actually 12/21/2012. It marks the end of the mayen calender, and the begining of aquarious. There are too many peoples oppinions on what will happen, so no one can really say. remember the new millenium y2k? Nothing happened but everyone was freaking out anyways. The best thing to do is to not worry about it, because if something is going to happen then its out of our control anyways. Be happy with what you have now and appreciate life as it is, not what may be.

  19. nada

  20. Probably nothing. But you never know...

  21. I'm going to be an old *** man. :(

    That's what.

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