
What is going to happen to China if those gymnasts are really underage?

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Will the medals they have won be taken away? Is that even allowed?




  1. Yes, they cheated. The USA team will get the medals.

  2. Medals should be taken away from anyone who cheats.

  3. They should have their medals taken away. We have rules about the use of steroids - athletes have had their medals taken away when it has been proven they used them - a rule is a rule. I hate hearing the "garbage" all Asians look under age. Any idiot can tell they are barely 13 even with makeup on!

  4. It's hard to say - their passports say they're 16, which can be taken as proof of age. But there are multiple documents from years ago that document their ages as under 16 and ineligible.

      The passports could stand as proof, even though they were only issued six months ago. If there is an investigation and they're found to be under-aged, they'll most likely be stripped of their medals and they'll be handed to the country/individual next in line.

  5. Mr. Rogge/ the FIG will find them guilty.... and strip the chinese of the gold. and possibly expell them from London 2012!  if the corrupt judging and underage performance continues, artisitc gymanstics could be snipped off a future olympics!  

  6. well i think there gold medals will be taken away and given to second

    and seconds medals given third so on

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