
What is going to happen to me!?

by Guest45185  |  earlier

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I work at a hospital as a 14 year old translator and this man walked in and said that he needed help with something, so I go with him and then he gives me his cellphone and tells me what to say to this lady. I told her that he is moving and can not stay at that apartment anymore. So I thought everything would be fine until I got a call back from that lady today and told me that the man had taken the washer and dryer out of the apartment and had spilled water on the top of his neighbors house, and said that she would be calling the police if he did not return the things. So I told her that I will call his number and tell him that he needs to give those things back. I called him but someone else answered, I told him that he should tell his friend that he needs to return the washer and dryer back to the apartment unless he wants to go to jail. So his friend said okay that he would tell him what I said, but then he called me back a few minutes later and told me that he had left the country. So I call the lady back and tell her that I am just a translator and that I don't even know the man, so she asked me "Is he going to return the things?" and I said no he isn't because he left the country. She told me that I told her that he was going to return the things to her, but I never said that to her and she said "hmmm...that is not the truth, I am going to have to call the police." So I got mad at him and the lady at the real estate center. Now my question is, Am I going to have problems with the law about this? Is the police going to get my number and come to my house? Can I stop this? What should I do?




  1. This whole story is c**p. You are just in the middle, trying to be a nice guy. Forget about it. The man is gone, he took what ever he took and that's that. It's his problem not yours. Maybe you need someone to translate to you that sticking your neck out doesn't t pay.

  2. You have nothing to worry about unless you are not telling the whole story.

  3. You will be fine; just tell the truth!

  4. You are not in trouble.. From now on know that your job is translating, not mediating.

  5. Sounds like a problem between the guy and the lady. You had nothing to do with it.

    If the police ask you any questions just tell 'em the truth: You tried to do a good deed and now you're being thrown in the middle of it.

    Oh, I'd tell my boss about it too. Just be straight up with him/her, so there won't be any surprises.

  6. Nothing will happen to you, for you did nothing wrong. Even if you did they can't do anything, because they have no information about you.

  7. Really you did not take the things you just translated. If questioned just answer with the truth and you will be fine.

  8. the cops wont do sh*t to you, well, they wont do sh*t period besides file a report and maybe check the guys house. maybe. GL

  9. You have nothing to worry about.  You did nothing wrong.  Next time, don't get involved with the situation - just translate.  I think now you can tell when NOT to get involved.

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