
What is going to stop me from doing bad things

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okay i admit i have done alot of things i regret doing which was illegal. but i dont know why i do. my parents are very controlling about almost every aspect of my life from my job, college, to how late i can stay out and im 18! i do pay for my own bills including college,gas,cell etc but they still control me too much. they want to know everything and i guess that has made it so i dont know how to do things for myself well. is that why i break out and do stupid c**p? please help me!




  1. ur normal at ur age

    most boys at ur age want no control

    i think they r not controlling u

    they r just to much worried

    take them in confidance

    tell them u r fine at ur place

    u r lucky u got parents like them

    the problem can only be solved in loving way

  2. Your parents may do or be alot of things but only you can control your actions. Only you can figure out why you do it, only I can tell you to stop but your the one that has to take the action. You don't want that kind of life for yourself, I know that just through your question. Get some decent friends, go to church, try volunteering for an organization or will make you feel good about yourself. Save enough money to move out so you can get out of your parents grip! Good luck and stay out of!

  3. What kind of stupid things are we talking about here Subs?  You have to understand that life is to short to blame others for our actions or reactions to any situation.  It might seem like the scene that you are in is going to last forever...but I promise you, it won't.  You need to be accountable to yourself, cuz you are the only one that can make yourself do or not do any kind of actions.  Jail, or prison isn't the answer for you..and if you stay on the road you are on...that very well might be the direction you are headed.  Give yourself a break...and realize that your situation is only a busstop in the road of life.  Make the best of what life has to give ya...don't let the attitudes of others affect how you do things.  Figure out what the "correct" method of action would be for any given circumstance...and then implement it.  When you are in the "thought process" of figureing it out...just make yourself take a timeout, while you figure out your response.  Even Generals in charge of vast armies do the same thing so they won't make a rash decision that they will regret later.... Good luck aren't a bad've just not taken the time to make some better decisions....

  4. I am in the same position as you.  My parents even go as far as critiquing my friends....and I'm 25!

    I used to do stupid things when I was your age because I felt that it was my way of getting back at my parents.

    As far as what is going to stop you from doing bad thing, you just have to look at your own life and tell yourself that even if your parents control you, it won't be forever and you don't want to do anything to ruin your adult life.  

  5. They are guarding you from doing more stupid stuff, if you stupid doing illegal c**p then they will lessen up on you!  

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