
What is gold class at vue cinemas?

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I have tried to look on the vue website but can't see any explanation to what you get for gold class tickets or what's available?




  1. I haven't been to the Vue gold class but I've been to a gold class at a different cinema. Basically.. you get really comfortable big chairs with footrests and a little table beside you. Its all decorate to look expensive. There are waiter/waitress who comes at the beginning and asks if you want a coffee/ice cream or whatever. << If not then they will just have a bar where you go to buy your stuff.

    It thought it was pretty good.

    The woman below is wrong - its not a private area at the back. Gold class is when the whole cinema is luxury, not just the back section. Shes talking about the premier seating which is slightly different.

  2. I'm assumming it's the same as premiere seating which basically means you pay an extra £3.50 for your ticket which gives you a big comfy seat with a table up at the back of the screen in a slightly more private area.  You also get a voucher for the extra £3.50 you've spent to spend in the bar or at the concession stand.  There may be other benefits but this is how it works in the cinema my husband is manager of. This is normally only available on the bigger newly released films

  3. you get a lap dancer plus a 15 minute x*x trailer to get you in the mood

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