
What is gold price today in australia?

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What is gold price today in australia?




  1. havnt a fkin clue m8

  2. Vijay

    Australians do not hoard or trade in gold.  We buy land instead.  No-one is interested in gold except prospectors and miners.  The gold price is whatever it happens to be internationally unless you happen to be buying from a jeweler and then it's much higher.  When you sell back, it's much lower.  

    I have seen your earlier questions and advise you that if you want to bring gold into Australia you enquire of your nearest Australian consulate first.  My guess is that they receive the same sort of question from sub-continental people pretty frequently. If there is any limit (and I don't see why there should be, but you never can tell with these things) don't try to bring extra gold in because the Customs people will be specifically looking for it.

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