
What is gonna happen to a lady belly button if it get shot by a pistol what is gonna to that lady belly button

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What is gonna happen to a lady belly button if it get shot by a pistol what is gonna to that lady belly button




  1. Put the crack pipe down, step away from the crack pipe. Please stop smoking crack, it is hurting your mind.

  2. Ground control To Unknown.Your to far out there for you transmission to be Understood!! Come in!!  OVER!!

  3. What?

    What rap song did you take this from?

  4. uh? what?

  5. when this guy was born the doctor slapped his mother

  6. If it was an outy before, it will probably be an all the way throughy afterwords.

  7. It gonna hurt her bad, dog, but she gonna turn yo in and send yo down to the joint an all her homeys and baby daddys gonna take turns bendin' yo over. Get it G?

  8. Try your question again, but this time in an Earth language.

  9. lol...hellooooo

  10. you speaka Engrish so not well

    And what the h**l would it matter what happens to a "lady belly button"? if a man or woman gets shots there, it's going to hurt and scar. It's not a cartoon we're living it, they are going to pop like a balloon

  11. "unknown" is a wack-job.

  12. Hopefully when it does you can now see whats going on. Wait this makes no sense.......But either does this question.

  13. Is this some sort of inner city ghetto speak??

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