
What is good about liverpool apart form 2 girls for a fiver?

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What is good about liverpool apart form 2 girls for a fiver?




  1. don't judge everyone by your families standards

  2. You are not there.  

  3. Liverpool is changing.

    It's now the city of culture.

    It just depends on where you go in Liverpool.

  4. Liverpool is populated with people who plainly are more literate than you for a start.

  5. You clearly dont come from liverpool,

    Why dont you start looking at your own hometown standards?

  6. 3 girls for a ham sandwich and a trip to the dentist?

  7. two girls for a fiver ? come up to the european capital of culture sarah bring your sister i,ll give you a fiver . if you wax your face first but i want change

  8. There are lots of good things about Liverpool.  The music and the humour being but two.

    I suspect that 2 girls for a fiver would seem expensive by your standards...


  9. everton football club

  10. The road out?

  11. sad s***s like you,come and visit liverpool,walk around talk to the people.and sounding like a gobshite someone here will be glad to show you the error of your judgement.

  12. -_- hmmmf

  13. I wouldn't know about 2 girls for a fiver, Liverpool girls are very high maintenance in my experience, and have much more class than you give them credit for.

    As for what is good about Liverpool? Of the top of my head

    There would be no docks in the world if it was not for Liverpool.

    Malaria would still be killing people by the million if it was not for the Liverpool School of Tropical medicine.

    The RSPCA and NSPCC where both founded in Liverpool

    Women would not have the comfort of Gas and Air in child birth without Liverpool

    Their would be no ambulances or fire engines both first developed in Liverpool

    No health visitors or departments of public health both started in Liverpool

    There would be no sky scrapers anywhere in the world if it wasn't for Balliol Chambers in Liverpool city centre.

    No Railways (Liverpool-Manchester railway first in the world)

    First lending library, discovery of the cause of diabeties, etc etc

    And thats just our history, I would be here all day telling you whats good about Liverpool today.

    By the way have you heard about La Machine? Maybe you might like to vist just to dispell the myths which you have so redily swallowed, but somehow I doubt it.

  14. Where are you from sarah J???????

    I think you need to grow up and open your eyes a bit!!!!!!

    Stop being such a narrow minded idiot and see Liverpool as the fantastic city it is, we didn't get CAPITAL OF CULTURE for nothing!!!!

    And 2 girls for a fiver??????? I dont know where you've been in Liverpool but ive lived here all of my life and i dont know anyone who could be bought!!!!

    Its prob just wishful thinking since we do have the best looking people in the UK!!!!!

  15. It seems from your question that you hail from the backwoods or perhaps you're a Media person from BBC Manchester or Granada, I say this because they have a uncanny knack of dealing with National issues from an inbuilt Merseyside bias.. take as an instance any NATIONAL strike...they come all the way down the A58 and interview our local oddball hero's giving the Mighty Mersey a blurred perspective at each chance that they can, I say mighty Mersey because we have weathered such blows for years but as any true traveller can see we in our city can laugh in the face of adversity and take it all in great humour especially when we push to red button to the annoyance of their advertisers who make loads of money in our city centre.

    Obviously you came with deep pockets to find such girls... must have cost a few quid in taxi fares before... you found them!  

  16. Hey you must visit you have got it totally wrong we wear designer clothes ,drive top of the range cars and have homes with swimming pools,must be pretty grim for you if that's your standards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Narrow minded people (such as yourself) don't live here and can see the city for what it is.

    Don't believe everything you read.

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