
What is good age for my friends daughter to get a cell?

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i was thinking like 11




  1. When she is old enough to pay for it on her own or do extra chores to earn it.

  2. I guess it would depend on the maturity level of a child and how responsible they would be using the phone. I have heard some of my friends say they think 12 is a good age, but my 10 year old grandson has a cell phone. I think having a cell phone is a good security measure for children. Parents can always set the ground rules for using the phone and how many text messages are allowed for the month. Most kids have their own cell phone today and I think it is a good idea if they use it wisely and don't use it in excess to the point of disrupting their lives or school work.

  3. I got my cell phone on the first day of 6th grade (so i was 11).  I got it because i was becoming more independent, and going more places where i was with no      , and my parents wanted to be able to stay in touch. as long as this      is responsible, i think that 11/6th grade seems like a good age.  it's crazy how now 1st graders are getting cell phones!  i just think that a couple rules should be enforced, like if she goes over her limit she has to pay for the extra, and also, my parents 2 months after i got my cell phone shut off texting, which at first i was upset about, but now i see was just to keep me from wasting my valuable time, which i now appreciate.

  4. I would say it depends on circumstances and whether she needs it for safety reasons.  I taught fifth grade last year and I can't even begin to say how annoyed I was when I had to take cell phones away from a few of my ten year old students - they just didn't need them.  I would argue that most middle school students don't need them, either - not as a means to stay in touch with friends.  If a middle school student needs a phone to contact parents b/c they are involved in a lot of after school activities and are waiting around to be picked up, then a phone may be more stay in touch with parents.  And it absolutely should not be taken out at school - to a middle school student, a cell phone should be ONLY a safety tool, not a toy or measure of popularity or "coolness"

    I don't see any reason for kids to have a phone for social reasons until they are in high school, are involved in work or after school activities, and can pay for the phone themselves.

  5. If it's your friend's daughter, not yours, why are you asking?  Isn't it up to your friend?

  6. I got my son one for his 12th birthday. It was a really cheap prepaid model. He got it with the understanding that it was for emergencies, not chatting with friends. He has been a boy scout for several years and goes on overnight camp outs and service projects where he is not with me or my husband. This way he can always contact us. I think we have only put like $60 in airtime in it since january.

  7. when she can pay for it herself.

  8. when she can pay for it her self is the best answer, really it is, hope that helped you!  (=

  9. When you allow her to go places with friends and no parental supervision.

    If anything happened while they were with an adult, the adult could contact you.

  10. My parents got me a cell phone when I was 13 because I walked home alone from school and they wanted to be able to contact me. But it was only a prepaid phone and the only got me enough minutes a month to talk to them. It was never used socially to call my friends. I didn't get a real cell phone til I was 16 and had a job. They helped pay for it, but I paid part of the bill.  

  11. And I was thinking driving age 16 that way she can help pay for it. No junior high kids need cell phones.  

  12. The age she gets into enough trouble to deserve imprisonment. Ha ha ha ha.

    Just kidding, I couldn't resist. Cell phones are very dangerous for little girls IMHO. When she is sixteen or seventeen, working, then it may be a consideration but it would still be a programmed phone that can dial 9-1-1, home, mommy and daddy.

    Cell phones give too much privacy and independence.

  13. 11 is a good age because of Junior High!

  14. i would say about age 13 cuz they start getting more active in sports and school related activities and they start to get out of the house more.

  15. I got my first cell when I was 12. You can get her one whenever she is responsible enough to have one. Let her know how much she can talk and all that so she dosnt run the bill up. About the age or 11 or 12, not when shes old enough to have one. Because what if shes caught somewhere and needs help. I cant stress this enough, less than a year ago I was being chased through the wood by these two men that I had no clue who they were but they were trying to kidnap me. I called my mom and the cops.. and I'm fine now just allways scared to be alone. So see everyone needs a phone you never know what will happen.

  16. Around 15 or 16 at the earliest.  

    It is so RIDICULOUS seeing children running around with cell phones.  11 is way too young in my opinion.

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