
What is good and bad about being a vegitarian?

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I was wondering because if it will make me healthier i will do it but it me pencil thin i don't want to. What are the benefits and what are the bad things about being a vegitarian.




  1. Most people that become vegetarians do it for polictical, humanitarian, or purported health reasons.  It is up to you to decided if any of those are valid reasons.  To me an excellent reason would be if you really really hated plants.

  2. i suggest you start here:

    as a vegetarian ive only found only  one set back.

    its kind of inconvienient when going out to eat, or eating at a friends house. say they make meatloaf. you dont want to offend them by not eating their hard made meal. but you just cant!

    a great thing is that it feels nice to sit back after a meal and know nothing died for it. i have also not been sick since the change a year ago. nope, no runny nose, nothing!

    101 great things

    I am not pencil thin. Im actually almost overweight. You can get protien from other sources. I love bean chili, and peanut butter on toast. :-)

  3. It will make you healthier if you choose a healthy diet.  If you eat a diet of junk food, lots of cheese, etc. it won't make a difference if you become a vegetarian or not.

    The benefits are:

    -not taking a life to sustain a life;

    -meat is expensive and you won't have to buy it anymore;

    -it is exciting to try recipes from vegetarian traditions from all over the world; and

    -as you are learning about it yourself you can educate others and maybe someone will join you!

    The bad things:

    -at some non-veg friendly restaurants, all there will be to eat is a baked potato and a green side salad (however, this is not the end of the world every once in while);

    -sometimes the bill won't be split equitably when you go out to dinner with friends unless you feel like speaking up;

    -sometimes people are nervous to have you over for a meal as they are afraid they won't be able to feed you (you can always say "I'm sure there will be more than enough side dishes for me to enjoy.  Don't make anything special.");

    -Sometimes you will need to be ready with some snappy come-backs for the uneducated.

  4. Pencil thin? Veg*ns come in all sizes. There are skinny vegetarians, average vegetarians, obese vegetarians, athletic vegetarians, and even vegetarian bodybuilders.

    I think the most positive aspect of veg*nism is having a diet free of killing. :)

    As for negatives... it can be a be harder to balance your diet, but as long as you don't junk out too much, you should be fine.

  5. you should be a vegatarian for the animal sake!!! but i already      lost about 5 pounds from being one [=

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