
What is good beginning gear for ghost hunting?

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I have an emf and a digtital camera. Do motion cameras work? Are 35mm cameras better than digital. How much are cheap infrared camcorders, I have a regular one.




  1. I used 35 mm with black and white film its faster.  I also use recorders. Video camera.  I take B supplements, and aspirin. and off I go.

  2. The first thing that I would buy is a box of adult diapers.....In case I saw a ghost.

  3. A digital recorder, an EMF detector, a digital camera, and a thermal camera are pretty much musts for investigating the Paranormal.


    This should help.

  5. >just get a good digital recorder, and your good to go without anything else. But if you dont have an instinct for it, your probably going to be let down. you can get the sony  for about 300 for a mini, or 500 for a hard drive. Some say film is harder to manipulate, but any person good with film can mess with it, and a digital camera doesnt require the expense of buying film all the time or having it get old or buying some that is old or contaminated.The sony camcorders all come with infrared nite sight.

    edit: LOL where can I get one of thoses TSR?

  6. Don't forget a tinfoil helmet, goggles and a ghostbuster vacuum cleaner.

    Video cameras are great for creating fake videos of ghosts, like all those on You-tube.

    I have a digital camera, too but I prefer to take photos of real rather than imaginary things.

  7. The most important thing is a open mind and respect.The camera does not matter it's up to the spirit if they whant to be seen or not.So you could have a 35mm or digatal any price range.The digatal is nice because there is no film.I'll take 400 to 500 pic on a Sat.night.I'm glad thats not film.Some kind of recorder is nice to have you never know when you'll get a EVP.

  8. 35 mm cameras are better than web cams, and about half the people I seen at our last and only, I might add, ghost hunt trip had movie cameras, some had dowsing rods, small micro tape recorders (for EVP's), candles (instead of flashlights as ghosts use batteries up and will come towards candle light more often than flash lights, or so I was told), flashlight with extra batteries, cell phone (for emergency purposes or to make contact with others), chalk for making markings (for whatever reason, to mark a spot), notebook and pencils or pens (for recording info), compass for directions, handheld radio (such as walkie talkie type to keep in communication with other members) comfortable clothing and a small back pack for carrying your items.  at home I have a list and I am not at home right now.  I will list all if I have a chance to or email the list if you want through yahoo answers

  9. Well,you will need an EMF Detector,an EVP Recorder,and a computer with an audio clean-up program to clean the EVP's.You should be able to find a good program on or another freeware website.There are so many computer audio clean-up programs to choose from,but beware because there are some fake downloads out there.I recommend the Mcafee Site Advisor,it will tell you which downloads are safe which aren't.

    There are many websites like and that will help you with everything,you can email the experts and they will recommend equipment for you.

  10. That is funny, tsr ......LOL..

    As for equipment, i think Nuff Said..has it pretty much covered...

  11. I haven't be Ghost Hunting very long, only about 10 years. My suggestion would be to check into joining a group in your area and learn from them. Most of the time if you post this type of question on the web you will get all types of answers, from the skeptical to the guy who thinks he knows everything. I am far removed from knowing everything but the equipment you have for this type of hobby will depend on how much you have to spend on it, just like anything else. My suggestion would be to hop on eBay and look at some lower end Sony Hi8 or Digital 8 that have night shot, these can run from $1.00 to $125.00 for a good used one. I personally stick with the 35mm SLR for photos and I will keep that up until I cant find film anymore, you can pick one up from $20.00 to $80.00. Next would be a good voice recorder and some software for your computer. The Olympus VR-4100PC sells for around $40.00 at Best Buy and software is free.

    If you have any other questions please feel free to visit our website at

  12. I hunt dinosaurs myself.

    I use a pan-galactic google-blaster.

    Hope this helps.


  13. this question just reminded me of the show on cw calld SUPERNATURAL...i love it...theyr s**y hunters ofcourse...check da show out, mite help you..tho im doubting whether most of the things they use mite actually b tru to work or sumthin

  14. Don't forget some kind of amulet to protect you from the evil spirits, and thermal goggles cause it is a proved fact that there are variations in the temperature when ghosts show up.

  15. I agree with the low-light digital camera. One thing I learned in star-gazing was to keep stray, unnecessary light away from cameras and the human eyes. Might I suggest using a low-light LED-type flashlight to preserve night vision and allow investigators to better spot transient (ghostly) images, orbs, etc? A standard flashlight puts out too much light and may hinder contact...the human eye, properly dark-adapted, can detect shadows cast by star light. True.

  16. There is no evidence to suggest EMF detectors indicate the presence of a ghost so you don't need one of those for that purpose.  There is no evidence that ghosts are more likely to appear on an IR camera, so a normal camera should be fine.  Also, in an effort to reduce the likelihood of a mistaken sighting, turn the lights on.  There is no evidence or reason to believe ghosts are only visible in the dark.

    The best things you can take to an investigation of a paranormal claim are some old-fashioned critical thinking skills and an honest attempt at objectivity.

  17. why waste time with film?

    you need a box proped up with a stick.  Put something you think ghosts will like under the box.  tie a string to the stick and hide in the closet.  when the ghost goes under the box, pull the rope and catch it under the box.  then you can sell it to the zoo and you will be famous.

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