
What is good for scars?like home remedies or essential oils?the scars are surgical?

by Guest33352  |  earlier

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What is good for scars?like home remedies or essential oils?the scars are surgical?




  1. Patchouli & lavender essential oils are good for scars. Mix them with a carrier oil (4-6 drops of essential oil for 2tsp of carrier oil)

  2. As long as they're not "open wound" type scars getting some sun on them can be vary healing.

  3. neosporin scar patches work really well because they help even the skin tone and get rid of keyloiding

  4. Pl read this post for your problems.

  5. The following can be found in most wound healing salves in health food stores. Lavender is a must for any scar tissue. It calms redness and inflammation as well.

    Essential oils....Lavender, Chamomile

    Infused oils...Calendula, comfrey, plantain, St. John's Wort

    Vitamin - E oil

  6. I agree with the bio oil. Rubbing Shae butter and coco butter on them also helps. Squeeze some lemon juice on them and leave it for about 15 min before washing it off and that helps lighten the scars.

  7. for a new fresh scar go with neosporin, for an old scar use bio oil.

  8. bio oil 2 times a day for minimum 3 months

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