
What is good for shin splits and/or ankle soreness?

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I know there isnt much you can do to make it feel better but I was wondering if anyne had anygood remedies that may soothe it for a while, your help is greatly appreciated




  1. oh dude i get those all the time in football i tape my shins up and it feels a so much better

    don't use like duck tape like medical tape would work

  2. I bottle of a mid priced Merlot mixed with 30cl of vodka!

    I promise it works......

    for a short while anyway.


  3. Ouch, I've had those before too. I was training for Cross Country and I had to stop running for a week or two just because of that. Yeah, your right there isn't much you can do. But, here are a couple of things that may help a little, ;]

    *Put some ice on it. May seem stupid, but trust me it helps the pain

    atleast a little bit.

    *Make sure you don't run for atleast a week. If you do, it might make it worse.

    *I thought if I stayed off it, it would get better, but you actually want to walk on it, just like I said don't run.

    *I went to the doctor and they made me do all these leg stretches, it might not seem much....but it surprisingly helped me.

    Hope you feel better,

    ♥Cup Cakes♥

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